Wednesday 14 January 2009 (17 Muharram 1430)

      We live in Utopia
      Ali Al-Mosa | Al-Watan 
      We are not a society of angels, but if you listen to our talk without 
seeing the reality you would think we live in Utopia. Only blind people can 
believe the existence of such a place. 

      Whoever wants evidence that we are not living in Utopia should visit any 
of our police stations after midnight. You would see all kinds of people 
arrested for deviant behavior, including drug use, liquor consumption, 
fornication and other crimes. Of course this is not our reality, but it is, 
however, an indication of our present reality that we are trying to cover by 
what we call the "specialty of Saudi society."

      I would not be exaggerating if I said the production of liquor in our 
country surpasses the output of any regional liquor factory. Some of our 
overstaying brothers from Asia produce tons and tons of liquor for thousands of 
local consumers who buy the hooch by the liters. Imagine how much money the 
producers make.

      The best and purest heroin targets our local market because of the 
abundant liquidity. You may be surprised when you come to know that a single 
smuggler was trading in 70 kilograms of heroin that would mix with several tons 
of other substances and sell in grams to those who sniff. Selling this large 
quantity in grams may give you an idea about the number of drug addicts in our 

      While all these crimes are eroding our integrity we have opened a war of 
retaliation against the Saudi film "Manahi" as if it was the sole power 
demolishing a building that has no walls! It is a fact that in our society 
there are those who fight the presence of movie theaters and those who call for 
these theaters at a time when we all have televisions in our homes. We watch 
movies and dubbed soap operas from all over the world through satellite 
broadcasts and cable subscriptions. The films and the TV serials we watch in 
our homes are more perilous than the Saudi film "Manahi."

      It is a paradox. Those who call for opening cinema houses in our country 
are in fact inviting us to sit collectively around a big screen to watch films 
together while those against such a step are inviting us to have own cinema 
houses inside our homes and bedrooms. This is exactly the story of the ostrich 
that buries its head in the sand.

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