Ada uluran tangan kepada penduduk Gaza.

Bagus dah.

Tapi kejahatan Israel kudu ditunjukkan. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 
06:03  Mecca time, 03:03  GMT     
News Americas  
US to give '$900m in Gaza aid'   
Hillary Clinton is to formally announce the aid package
next week, reports say [EPA]    The
US is set to offer more than $900m to help rebuild Gaza following
Israel's military assault on the Palestinian territory, officials say.
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, is to formally announce
the funding at a donor conference in Egypt next week, one US
official told the Reuters news agency on Monday. The
money, which would need to be approved by the US congress, is to be
distributed through the UN and other bodies and not via Hamas, the
Palestinian group which governs Gaza, said one of the officials, who
asked to remain anonymous.
The same official said the pledge was a mix of money already earmarked for the 
Palestinians and some new funding.
Reynolds, Al Jazeera's senior Washington correspondent, said
the administration of Barack Obama, the US president, had not moved
towards engaging directly with Hamas but had modified some of its
language towards dealing with Palestinians in Gaza.
It was prepared to mention Palestinian suffering without directly linking it to 
the actions of Hamas, our correspondent said.
The US has repeatedly said it will not hold talks with Hamas unless
it recognises Israel, renounces violence and recognises previous
Palestinian peace agreements.
In December, the administration of George Bush, Obama's predecessor,
said it would give $85m to the UN agency that provides aid to
Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
Gulf contribution
On Monday, the emir of Qatar also pledged $30m towards the UN's humanitarian 
projects in Gaza.
The Gulf Co-operation Council of rich Arab Gulf nations said this
week that it would set up a fund to support reconstruction in Gaza and
invited other Arab countries to contribute.
The size of the fund was to be decided at the donor conference in
Egypt, Abdulrahman al-Attiyah, the GCC secretary-general, said, but
added that a $1bn offer from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah and $250m
from Qatar announced last month would form the "nucleus" of the fund.
The money will be used to directly support rebuilding projects, and
not be handed over to any of the Palestinian parties or factions,
al-Attiyah added.
Donor conference
The donor conference in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh resort aims to raise
humanitarian and rebuilding funds for Gaza after Israel's offensive
last December which it said was to stop rocket fire against its cities.
A Hamas delegation is also set to attend the conference, a report by the 
Reuters news agency said.
Preliminary reports have put damage from the offensive, in which more than 
1,300 Palestinians died, at almost $2bn.
Clinton's bid to win substantial aid for the Palestinians could face
problems in the US congress because Hamas continues to control Gaza and
the US focus is on its own ailing economy.
The Quartet group of Middle East mediators - the US, the EU, Russia
and the UN - are expected to meet on the sidelines of the Egyptian
conference where they will work on their strategy on Gaza, US officials
After attending the conference in Egypt, Clinton is expected to go to Israel 
and the occupied West Bank.  
 Source: Al Jazeera and agencies   
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