Excellent Pierrejean !! > there is a "live version" of this Gaucher 's CD. with the same groove...
"Live in Stollwerck" (2002)
and after that you will like "Oh NO, Another FZ Memorial  Barbecue" by "le Collectif LeBocal" > our french Palermo big band
I see them last W-E in Auxerre with Glenn 'Petit Wazoo' Ferris on 'trombonne'... he features also on the cd.
Frank spirit was really in the air duriung all their show;  
French coverbands are on the top ;-) including the "Nasal retentive Orchestra" especially their last Cd "live"

Here u can listen to an excerpt of Metal Cartoon, the group of pierrejean 's friend: Christophe Godin, a "good" guitaritse > there is an .mov/quicktime on the top of the page. 
CG On the next G3 tour ? ;-) lol 
> the page talks about a french FZ oriented festival this summer > an english page will follow soon.

au revoir Dawayne

Dawayne Bailey wrote:

 This is one of my newest acquisitions - the CD from Pierrejean
Gaucher doing Zappa tunes in a very random way - very interesting
and killer guitarist. Really nice guy too:


I also love the Banned From Utopia on Favored Nations with Mike
Miller on guitar.

I also love the Ed Palermo Big Band CD.

I know there are hundreds out there, which is why I'm asking the
experts here which are the best ones to search out.

I also have the Meridian Ensemble, Yellow Shark, the recent Ensemble
Moderne's Greggary Peccary, Jean Luc Ponty/King Kong, Grandmothers
Night, Zappa's Universe, Persuations Tribute,

Is this one good?:

Or this one?: http://snipurl.com/ffiz by Le Bocal

I wasn't very fond of The Jam Band tribute but it has it's moments.

I've never heard any of the Muffin Men or Project/Object or

Any others that are in the upper best of the best? Thanks for your

For further Z-related fun, please visit http://www.thebignote.com or http://www.killuglyradio.com , thank you.

For further Z-related fun, please visit http://www.thebignote.com or http://www.killuglyradio.com , thank you.

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