Thanks, guys.  Very interesting info.  I have to agree, Jack; George Duke came 
to mind for me, too.

Joseph in NV

--- In, abxer3p  wrote:

> Last night I wondered who had this position other than Arthur Barrow and 
> Scott Thunes.  It's been a while but I have read 6-8 or more Zappa-related 
> books and can't remember.  Was it that Frank always did it himself until the 
> later years?  And at that time was it because he had so many other thigns 
> going on or was it due to his health problems?

>From what I have heard, Terry Bozzio did this in fall 77/winter 78, Ed Mann in 
>fall 78, Arthur Barrow 79 through 82 and Scott Thunes 84 and 88. 

Pat Buzby
Chicago, IL


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