OK, I'll go first. Below is my report:

Powers of Tau Operational writeup
Round: 1
Date: 2011-11-10
Name: Andrew Miller
Location: Champaign, Illinois

Challenge: (genesis)

Preparation steps
I used Sean’s powersoftau rust repo, commit

I followed instructions online for building portable rust binaries,
and so I ran
cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
--features=u128-support --bin=compute

Compiler: rustc 1.23.0-nightly (02004ef78 2017-11-08)

I copied the resulting binary to a freshly formatted USB stick I had.


I also rummaged through my shelf of several USB sticks, and found one
that happened to be a Linux Mint 18 USB bootable disk, so I used that
for my operating system.

Sidechannel defenses
I used an airgap compute node, a Dell Inspiron that I’ve had for about
a year now (Actually this is a computer I bought last year for
dress-rehearsals in the Zcash Sprout param generation ceremony).

I unplugged all the computer’s hard drives, and detached its
wifi/bluetooth radios. I booted the computer from the Linux Mint
livecd usb stick, and then also copied the binaries into RAM. The
compute node was located in my bedroom, and I attended it for the ~1hr
duration of the compute process.

Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOSZz4FXkAEKC7N.jpg:large

After compute was finished, I took a cell phone picture of the blake2b
hash of the response. I then copied the response file to the USB stick
containing the binaries, and then I unplugged the compute node. Using
my personal laptop, I posted the blake2b hash to the #mpc chat and
uploaded the response file to s3.

The repsonse file is hosted here for now, though I expect we'll
mirror it elsewhere later:

I did not destroy the compute node and do plan to use it again,
although I'm going to leave it unplugged for several days.

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:19 PM, Sean Bowe <s...@z.cash> wrote:
> Note that the `response` file contains a hash of the `challenge` file
> that was used as input for the compute tool. As a result, only the
> hashes of the `response` files need to be published; a hash chain is
> formed through all participants. The initial challenge file is
> deterministic. (You can use the `new` tool on the repository to
> construct it.)
> The initial challenge file has BLAKE2b hash:
> ce00f2100dd876fdff8dd824f55307bcb72d724f29ff20b9e0760f3a65e5588a65eaed57cbc61697111ae1f4cc7da2e62a85311c2ae683a041fb872b891c68dc
> It doesn't hurt to post hashes of everything though. Hash all the things.
> Sean
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Andrew Miller <soc1...@illinois.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks Sean!
>> My idea is to use an ad hoc and publicly visible process. "Get in
>> contact with [sean]" could be as simple as posting in public to this
>> thread. Unless we're overrun by trolls, a public mailing list can be
>> an informal way to agree on who goes next. Whoever posts and says "Me,
>> me! I'd like to go next", should, by convention, go next. Any
>> aberrations (parties taking too long or dropping out, posting invalid
>> data, etc., can be dealt with as needed).
>> I believe it's also the case that
>> a) The "response" file from each person is roughly the same as the
>> "challenge" file for the next participant, and
>> b) The response/challenge files are safe to be published at any time,
>> not private at all.
>> So, by convention, we should post the hashes of those files here right
>> away, and make a best effort to mirror them publicly (each one is like
>> a gigabyte, I think).
>> What does the initial challenge file consist of? Could you post the
>> hash of it here?
>> Cheers,
>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 3:04 PM, Sean Bowe via zapps-wg
>> <zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
>>> Ariel Gabizon, Ian Miers and I have just published a new paper detailing a
>>> multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for constructing zk-SNARK public
>>> parameters.
>>> https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1050
>>> The highlights are:
>>> * It allows for a single, gigantic ceremony to take place for all possible
>>> zk-SNARK circuits within a given size bound. The results of this ceremony
>>> are partial zk-SNARK parameters for the entire community. We call this
>>> communal ceremony the Powers of Tau.
>>> * If you want to use zk-SNARKs in your protocols, you still have to do an
>>> MPC for your circuit. But because of the Powers of Tau ceremony, your
>>> ceremony is much cheaper to perform and the costs per-participant scale
>>> linearly with respect to the circuit complexity.
>>> * The best part is that the Powers of Tau and these circuit-specific MPCs
>>> can scale to hundreds/thousands of participants. As the number of
>>> participants grows, it becomes unrealistic that all of them could be
>>> compromised.
>>> So, let's do the Powers of Tau ceremony! The Zcash Foundation is excited to
>>> participate in the process. The Zcash Company is particularly excited in
>>> starting soon because we want to leverage it for our next MPC for the
>>> Sapling upgrade of Zcash.
>>> The MPC protocol for this ceremony only requires that one participant
>>> successfully destroy the secret randomness they sample during their part. We
>>> intend to give participants total flexibility in deciding how to
>>> participate; we don't mind what software, hardware or OS you use.
>>> I have written some Rust software for participants to run:
>>> https://github.com/ebfull/powersoftau
>>> In order to simplify auditing, I won't be making any more changes to the
>>> code unless absolutely necessary. You don't have to use this software, but
>>> there are no alternative implementations at this time. I think it should be
>>> feasible to write a C version of the code using the RELIC toolkit, which has
>>> implemented BLS12-381. I am very confident in the Rust code, though, and I
>>> believe in its stability/correctness.
>>> I have some opinions about the ceremony:
>>> 1. I disagree with processes that don't improve security of the ceremony.
>>> Having a small surface area of code and process increases the chance that
>>> bugs will be discovered by auditors because there are fewer things that can
>>> go wrong. Remember that there is already quite a bit for the public to
>>> check: the transcript correctness, the code correctness, the randomness
>>> beacon, the cryptographic proof, code dependencies, etc.
>>> 2. It needs to start soon so that it can be useful for the Sapling MPC.
>>> 3. It needs to have lots of reputable participants by the time we start the
>>> Sapling MPC.
>>> Given the above, I would like to suggest that we start the ceremony now
>>> using my existing code, which supports circuits up to 2^21 gates. This means
>>> people would just get in contact with me if they want to participate and
>>> I'll schedule them in. I'll try to prioritize reputable people, but I'll
>>> allow pretty much anyone I have time to. Everything that I do is publicly
>>> verifiable (there is a transcript at the end of the ceremony which people
>>> can check).
>>> Andrew Miller has a few interesting ideas for a more distributed process for
>>> scheduling "who goes next" but there are some disadvantages and risks
>>> involved IMO. In any case, the process can be changed later without
>>> affecting anything, so I don't see a purpose in delaying the start of the
>>> ceremony on such things.
>>> I'd like to hear from others about this plan so we can begin soon!
>>> Sean Bowe
>>> Zcash Company
>> --
>> Andrew Miller
>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Andrew Miller
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hash: SHA1

Powers of Tau Operational writeup
Round: 1
Date: 2011-11-10
Name: Andrew Miller
Location: Champaign, Illinois

Challenge: (genesis)

Preparation steps
I used Sean’s powersoftau rust repo, commit

I followed instructions online for building portable rust binaries,
and so I ran
cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release 
--features=u128-support --bin=compute

Compiler: rustc 1.23.0-nightly (02004ef78 2017-11-08)

I copied the resulting binary to a freshly formatted USB stick I had.


I also rummaged through my shelf of several USB sticks, and found one
that happened to be a Linux Mint 18 USB bootable disk, so I used that
for my operating system.

Sidechannel defenses
I used an airgap compute node, a Dell Inspiron that I’ve had for about
a year now (Actually this is a computer I bought last year for
dress-rehearsals in the Zcash Sprout param generation ceremony).

I unplugged all the computer’s hard drives, and detached its
wifi/bluetooth radios. I booted the computer from the Linux Mint
livecd usb stick, and then also copied the binaries into RAM. The
compute node was located in my bedroom, and I attended it for the ~1hr
duration of the compute process.

Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOSZz4FXkAEKC7N.jpg:large

After compute was finished, I took a cell phone picture of the blake2b
hash of the response. I then copied the response file to the USB stick
containing the binaries, and then I unplugged the compute node. Using
my personal laptop, I posted the blake2b hash to the #mpc chat and
uploaded the response file to s3. 

The repsonse file is hosted here for now, though I expect we'll
mirror it elsewhere later:

I did not destroy the compute node and do plan to use it again,
although I'm going to leave it unplugged for several days.
Version: GnuPG v1


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