If you add many sources and mix it together, it doesn't necessarily
force an adversary to compromise all of them, they could just manage
to compromise one and adaptively influence the output based on the
output of the others. Adding sources arbitrarily doesn't increase
confidence on its own.

Bitcoin block with a delay function gives us a pretty good one, since
we can argue it would require enormous computing power and/or a large
block withholding attack to influence the outcome in any meaningful
way. Once you have a single good beacon, I'm worried that our
(potentially arbitrary) choice from the countless other potential
beacons harms analysis.


On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 9:33 AM,  <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> In order to reduce the probability of a powerful adversary influencing the
> beacon, I would propose to use several sources of entropy, mixing them
> together (maybe concatenating and hashing) and use the result as a seed for a
> PRNG. The mentioned bitcoin block could be one of those sources, but we can
> also add more. Some ideas:
> - Results of sports competitions (i.e.: we commit to use the results of the
> NBA playoffs, or something like that)
> - Values of several stock markets at a given future date.
> - Some meteorological information, like "the maximum temperature reached in
> these cities in this given future date, as given by the official daily report 
> of
> these organizations.
> - Some astronomical phenomena: things like solar activity at a given future
> instant (again, as reported by a specific set of observatories that regularly
> reports those things), radiation of a specific pulsar...
> - number of births/deaths/marriages... in a given set of countries/cities/
> whatever (as reported by the corresponding institutions...)
> Of course, we need to be very specific in advance about how these pieces of
> information will be collected and represented. But once done that, each one of
> them would add extra entropy. That way,  an adversary that wants to predict or
> influence the result of the beacon, would need a huge social power to
> manipulate both sport competitions, stock markets, scientific institutions,
> statistical services... And even then, the meteorological/astronomical reports
> could only be manipulated to a limited extent (it would be too evident if the
> maximum reported temperature differs more than a few degrees to the one that
> people actually experienced in that place).
> El viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018 0:37:05 (CET) Sean Bowe via zapps-wg
> escribió:
>> The Powers of Tau security proof (see
>> https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1050) holds in the "random beacon model,"
>> meaning that we must apply a random beacon at the end of the ceremony.
>> It's not good enough to use (say) a hash of the transcript, because of
>> adaptive attacks (the last participant could predict the beacon
>> output). We must apply a beacon that is queried after the ceremony has
>> completed.
>> There is some good news on this front:
>> 1. We *can* query reasonably secure beacons. More on that later.
>> 2. Even if the beacon is partially controlled by an adversary, we only
>> lose a bit of security for every bit of the beacon output that is
>> influenced by the adversary. This means our beacon could be somewhat
>> broken and we'll live in acceptable security bounds.
>> 3. Even if the beacon is _totally_ insecure, it may not even matter
>> because we may be able to prove the MPC is secure using the same
>> assumptions the proving system itself uses. We haven't had time to
>> write a security proof of this yet.
>> 4. Even if we choose a _totally_ insecure beacon, you can just apply
>> your own beacon instead (one that you're more confident in, or perhaps
>> the result of a random coinflip protocol depending on what you're
>> doing).
>> But, let's choose a pretty good beacon anyway. Some notes on that:
>> * There is a large space of possible choices for a beacon, so it's
>> important that we choose the most obvious and reliable one we can
>> think of.
>> * It's important that we choose when we intend to query it, before we do so.
>> * The result of the beacon (and how the beacon is applied to the
>> parameters, such as what PRNG we use, and the code) needs to be
>> determined before we query the beacon.
>> * Since we could choose multiple beacons (and adaptively select from
>> them) we need to publish our choice of a beacon widely, using
>> signatures and social media, so that proof we had attempted to do so
>> would be easy to find.
>> * Anything else?
>> So, what beacon should we use? I'm borrowing my recommendation from
>> advice given by Joseph Bonneau.
>> I think that we should select a Bitcoin block height (in advance) and
>> iteratively SHA256 the eventual block (hash or header) n times to
>> produce the seed of a ChaCha20 PRNG, which is then used to apply the
>> beacon to the parameters. This iterative function is not intended to
>> be a proof-of-work function but instead a "delay function," so it is
>> deliberately not parallelizable. As the time required for a powerful
>> adversary to compute the delay function grows (with respect to the
>> average time between blocks) we become more and more confident the
>> result could not be significantly influenced.
>> How large should n be? I think n=2^40 would be enough, since even if
>> we're off by a couple orders of magnitude the adversary cannot
>> influence enough bits of the result for it to really matter.
>> Other questions include: How should we choose the block height? Should
>> we hash the header or the block hash or even the whole block?
>> Sean

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