
I'll try to attach UTF-8-encoded first attempt on translating Zathura
into Czech.  Some stuff is omitted simply because I have no clue what
is it for...

Thanks for all the work, especially for :set recolor :-)
Martin Pelikan

# zathura - language file (Czech)
# See LICENSE file for license and copyright information
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-19 14:39+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-19 23:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Pelikan <peli...@storkhole.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: pwmt.org <m...@pwmt.org>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: ../callbacks.c:176
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Neplatn?? vstup: %s"

#: ../callbacks.c:204
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Neplatn?? index: %s"

#: ../commands.c:33 ../commands.c:68 ../commands.c:95 ../commands.c:137
#: ../commands.c:251 ../commands.c:281 ../commands.c:307 ../commands.c:396
#: ../commands.c:496 ../shortcuts.c:440 ../shortcuts.c:891
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Nen?? otev??en?? ????dn?? dokument."

#: ../commands.c:39 ../commands.c:74 ../commands.c:101 ../commands.c:401
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "??patn?? po??et argument??."

#: ../commands.c:47
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfuly updated: %s"
msgstr "Z??lo??ka ??sp????n?? aktualizov??na: %s"

#: ../commands.c:53
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nem????u vytvo??it z??lo??ku: %s"

#: ../commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfuly created: %s"
msgstr "Z??lo??ka ??sp????n?? vytvo??ena: %s"

#: ../commands.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Z??lo??ka smaz??na: %s"

#: ../commands.c:82
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nem????u smazat z??lo??ku: %s"

#: ../commands.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Z??lo??ka neexistuje: %s"

#: ../commands.c:159 ../commands.c:181
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Nejsou dostupn?? ????dn?? informace."

#: ../commands.c:219
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "P????li?? mnoho argument??."

#: ../commands.c:228
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Nezadali jste argumenty."

#: ../commands.c:287 ../commands.c:313
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokument ulo??en."

#: ../commands.c:289 ../commands.c:315
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se ulo??it dokument."

#: ../commands.c:292 ../commands.c:318
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "??patn?? po??et argument??."

#: ../commands.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't write attachment '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se zapsat p????lohu '%s' do '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:422
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote attachment '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "P????loha '%s' zaps??na do '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:466
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote image '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Obr??zek '%s' zaps??n do '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:468
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't write image '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se zapsat obr??zek '%s' do '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:475
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown image '%s'."
msgstr "Nezn??m?? obr??zek '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:479
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Nezn??m?? p????loha nebo obr??zek '%s'."

#: ../commands.c:509
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argumentem mus?? b??t ????slo."

#. zathura settings
#: ../config.c:100
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Datab??zov?? backend"

#: ../config.c:102
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zoom step"

#: ../config.c:104
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Mezery mezi str??nkami"

#: ../config.c:106
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Po??et str??nek na ????dek"

#: ../config.c:108
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Scroll step"

#: ../config.c:110
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Odd??lit"

#: ../config.c:112
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "P??ibl????it"

#: ../config.c:114
msgid "Life time (in seconds) of a hidden page"
msgstr "D??lka ??ivota skryt?? str??nky v sekund??ch"

#: ../config.c:115
msgid "Amount of seconds between each cache purge"
msgstr "Po??et sekund mezi ??i??t??n??mi cache"

#: ../config.c:117
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "P??ebarvuji do tmava"

#: ../config.c:119
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "P??ebarvuji do sv??tla"

#: ../config.c:121
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Barva zv??raz??ova??e"

#: ../config.c:123
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Barva zv??raz??ova??e (aktivn??)"

#: ../config.c:127
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "P??ebarvit str??nky"

#: ../config.c:129
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Scrollovat p??es konce"

#: ../config.c:131
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""

#: ../config.c:133
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Pr??hlednost p??i zv??raz??ov??n??"

#: ../config.c:135
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Vypisovat 'Na????t??m ...'"

#: ../config.c:136
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "P??ibl????en?? po otev??en?? souboru"

#: ../config.c:138
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Zobrazovat skryt?? soubory"

#: ../config.c:140
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Zobrazovat adres????e"

#: ../config.c:142
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "V??dy otev??rat na prvn?? stran??"

#: ../config.c:144
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Zv??raz??ovat v??sledky hled??n??"

#: ../config.c:146
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "P??i abortu smazat v??sledky hled??n??"

#. define default inputbar commands
#: ../config.c:268
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "P??idat z??lo??ku"

#: ../config.c:269
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Smazat z??lo??ku"

#: ../config.c:270
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Vypsat z??lo??ky"

#: ../config.c:271
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Zav????t tenhle soubor"

#: ../config.c:272
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Zobrazit informace o souboru"

#: ../config.c:273
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Zobrazit n??pov??du"

#: ../config.c:274
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Otev????t dokument"

#: ../config.c:275
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Zav????t zathuru"

#: ../config.c:276
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Tisknout dokument"

#: ../config.c:277
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Ulo??it dokument"

#: ../config.c:278
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Ulo??it a p??epsat dokument"

#: ../config.c:279
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Ulo??it p????lohy"

#: ../config.c:280
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""

#: ../config.c:281
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Ozna??it sou??asnou pozici v dokumentu"

#: ../config.c:282
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Smazat vybran?? zna??ky"

#: ../config.c:283
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Nezv??raz??ovat v??sledky tohoto hled??n??"

#: ../config.c:284
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Zv??raz??ovat v??sledky tohoto hled??n??"

#: ../shortcuts.c:797
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Tenhle dokument neobsahuje ????dn?? indexy"

#: ../page-widget.c:630
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to clipboard: %s"
msgstr "Vybran?? text zkop??rov??n do schr??nky: %s"

#: ../page-widget.c:727
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Zkop??ruj obr??zek"

#: ../page-widget.c:728
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Ulo?? obr??zek jako"

#: ../links.c:162 ../links.c:219
msgid "Failed to run xdg-open."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se spustit xdg-open."

#: ../completion.c:250
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Strana %d"

#: ../completion.c:293
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "P????lohy"

#. add images
#: ../completion.c:324
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obr??zky"

#: ../zathura.c:73
msgid "Reparents to window specified by xid"
msgstr ""

#: ../zathura.c:74
msgid "Path to the config directory"
msgstr "Cesta k souboru s nastaven??m"

#: ../zathura.c:75
msgid "Path to the data directory"
msgstr "Cesta k adres????i s daty"

#: ../zathura.c:76
msgid "Path to the directories containing plugins"
msgstr "Cesta k adres??????m s pluginy"

#: ../zathura.c:77
msgid "Fork into the background"
msgstr "Forknout se na pozad??"

#: ../zathura.c:78
msgid "Document password"
msgstr "Heslo"

#: ../zathura.c:79
msgid "Log level (debug, info, warning, error)"
msgstr "??rove?? logov??n?? (debug, info, warning, error)"

#: ../zathura.c:251 ../zathura.c:799
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Nepojmenovan??]"
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