
This proposal is aimed at solving two intertwined problems in Zeek's log-
writing system:

Problem: Batch writing code duplication
- Some log writers need to send multiple log records at a time in "batches".
  These include writers that send data to elasticsearch, splunk hec, kinesis,
  and various HTTP-based destinations.
- Right now, each of these log writers has similar or identical code to create
  and manage batches.
- This code duplication makes writing and maintaining "batching" log writers
  harder and more bug-prone.

Proposed Solution: Add a new optional API for writing a batch all at once, while
still supporting older log writers that don't need to write batches.

Problem: Insufficient information about failures
- Different log writers can fail in a variety of ways.
- Some of these failure modes are amenable to automatic recovery within Zeek,
  and others could be corrected by an administrator if they knew about it.
- However, the current system for writing log records returns a boolean
  indicating only two log writer statuses: "true" means "Everything's fine!",
  and "false" means "Emergency!!! The log writer needs to be shut down!"

Proposed Solution:
a. For non-batching log writers, change the "false" status to just mean
   "There was an error writing a log record". The log writing system will then
   report those failures to other Zeek components such as plug-ins, so they can
   monitor a log writer's health, and make more sophisticated decisions about
   whether a log writer can continue running or needs to be shut down.
b. Batching log writers will have a new API anyway, so that will let log
   writers report more detail about write failures, including suggestions about
   possible ways to recover.

Design Details

Current Implementation

At present, log writers are C++ classes which descend from the WriterBackend
pure-virtual superclass. Each log writer must override several pure virtual
member functions, which include:
* DoInit: Writer-specific initialization method.
* DoWrite: Write one log record.
  Returns a boolean, where true means "everything's fine", and false means
  "things are so bad, the log writer needs to be shut down."

Log writers can also optionally override this virtual member functions:
* DoWriteLogs: Possibly writer-specific output method implementing recording
  zero or more log entries. The default implementation in the superclass simply
  calls DoWrite() in a loop.

New Implementation

This has two main goals:
* Provide a new base class for log writers that supports writing a batch of
  records at once, handles all the batch creation and write logic, and offers
  more sophisticated per-record reporting on failures.
* Provide backward compatibility so "legacy" (existing, non-batching) log
  writers can build and run without code changes, while changing the meaning of
  "false" when returned from DoWrite() to "sending this one log record failed."

These goals will be achieved using three writer backend classes:

1. BaseWriterBackend

This will be a virtual base class, and is a superclass for both legacy and
batching log writers.
- It will have the same API signature as the existing WriterBackend, except it
  will omit DoWrite().
- It will also expose the existing DoWriteLogs() member function as a pure
  virtual function, so there's a standard interface for WriterBackend::Write()
  to call.

2. WriterBackend

This class will derive from BaseWriterBackend, and will support legacy log
writers as a drop-in replacement for the existing WriterBackend class.
- It will add a pure virtual DoWrite member function to BaseWriterBackend, so
  its API signature will be identical to the existing WriterBackend class. That
  will let legacy log writers inherit from it with no code changes, and also
  support new log writers that don't need batching.
- The return semantics for DoWrite will change so when it returns false, that
  will simply mean the argument record wasn't successfully written.
- Its specialization of DoWriteLogs will be nearly identical to Zeek's current
  implementation, except that when DoWrite returns false, DoWriteLogs will
  simply report the failure to the rest of Zeek, rather than triggering a log
  writer shutdown. Then, other Zeek components can monitor the writer's health
  and decide whether to shut down the log writer or let it continue.

3. BatchWriterBackend

This class will derive from BaseWriterBackend, and will write logs in batches.
- Instead of DoWrite, it will expose a DoWriteBatch pure virtual member function
  to accept logs in batches.
- Its specialization of DoWriteLogs will call DoWriteBatch.
- It will support configuring per-log-writer criteria that trigger flushing a
  batch, including:
    * Maximum age of the oldest cached log (default value TBD)
    * Maximum number of cached log records (default value TBD)
- DoWriteBatch will support rejecting logs at random indices in the batch,
  and will report details on which logs were rejected and why.

This is the proposed signature for DoWriteBatch:

int BatchWriterBackend::DoWriteBatch(
                                     int num_writes,
                                     threading::Value*** vals,
                                     BatchWriterBackend::status_vector& failures
  num_writes = the number of log records in the batch
  vals = the values of the log records to be written
  failures  = information about failed record writes
  The return value is the number of log records actually written.

Compared to DoWriteLogs, DoWriteBatch omits the num_fields and fields arguments.
Those aren't needed because the log writer already has those values, which were
stored when they were supplied to its Init member function.

The failures argument is a reference to a std::vector of structs the log writer
can fill in with details on failures to write individual records. The individual
status structs will generally look like this:

    struct status {
        int m_failed_record_index;
        uint32_t m_failure_reason;
        uint32_t m_recovery_suggestion;
  m_failure_reason indicates the general reason for the failure
  m_recovery_suggestion might contain a suggestion about handling the failure

If DoWriteBatch() returns a number that's smaller than num_writes, and the
failures vector is empty, the caller will assume all the failed records were at
the end of the batch, and try to re-transmit them in a later batch.

I'd welcome any questions, suggestions or feedback.

Bob Murphy | Corelight, Inc. | bob.murphy at |

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