Hi Mel,

As Ed responded, "Absolute Equality" is a state of being and not a biography, or a personality. It is well documented in Buddhist sutras.

All three posts about Liberation is about our inner state of being, and not externally manifested form, which are impermanent and relative at best.

When we get tangled up trying to discriminate, judge, discuss the manifested forms, we are caught in endless reincarnation of hell. (This is also from sutra)

Later, Liberation IV will address this issue.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 12/25/2010 4:15 AM, Mel wrote:

> Buddha has awakened to Absolute Equality and Absolute Awareness.

To use the term 'absolute' means to put forward the theory that the Buddha was absolute as above for the rest of each and everyday of his life until the day he died. Humans being humans, each and everyone of us will drop into the occassional pothole of that great road we call LIFE, because none of us were ever made perfect

> Could we and would we be a husband and a wife at same time? Or a
> manager and an employee? A follower and a leader? A student and a
> teacher? A seeker and sought?

To differentiate between husband and wife is the same as to differentiate between the different species of this world. In this day and age of so-called liberation and free thinking, the lines between man and woman, parent and child, boss and employee, and so on, had become rather blurred. We are therefore very confused at times about our place in this world, depending on the situation

> How we act does not matter as much as whether we are attached to the
> discrimination of roles, responsibilities, rules or even moralities.

In this existence we live in, there had always been that specific order of things. It doesn't mean we have to keep women and young girls barefoot, pregnant, and slaving away in the kitchen. I also don't mean that we have to start chopping arms and legs off for crimes such as stealing bread(or other necessities), but it does mean that some of the disastrous political correctness propagated by the academic do-gooders may have to be curtailed

> That is if we could always maintain a state of harmonious intentions,
> with equality and with loving kindness.

As the jungles and forests have order, so must also a law-abiding society. We don't offer harmonious intentions, fair and equal treatment, or loving kindness in and around back-streets and dark alleys of my suburb and surrounding areas nearby here DownUnder. All the Buddhist talk of care, compassion, and so on are great, but the hand that reaches out with love and kindness is often the same hand that gets bitten by savage beasts when care is not taken. I say to first learn to operate with a de-cluttered head, and then do whatever is necessary

When our mind is pure, our
> heart will shine. Purity is the first key practice as taught by my Teacher.

Morally, no. Outside of morals, yes

> Only when we truly awake to the fact that we are no one, then we could
> be anyone at any moment.
> The minute we began to defend our position or role, our ego is in play.
> We have thus lost our liberation.

I don't understand the above as it seems to be mysterious more than really necessary, but if it works, then all well and good

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