For Anthony.. 
Given the recent threads, I had to laugh when I saw this..
Off  to a fun-filled lecture on hormones (HRT);)  k

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Bringing Everything to the Path

Integral Tantra
Sally Kempton and Ken Wilber
This is not a discussion about sex. It's a discussion about bliss.
It often seems that the word Tantra is mishandled by the West, fantasized and 
fetishized and repackaged into something more palatable to our collective 
sexual shadow. But outside the realm of self-help books, soft-core porn, and 
Sting interviews, Tantra actually has very little to do with sexual virility or 
finding ways to last longer in bed. 
Of course there are Tantric traditions that include sexual practices, but at 
its core Tantra is really just the simple recognition of the erotic union of 
emptiness and form. That is, that Spirit and matter are ultimately not-two, and 
if you follow Spirit into the depths of manifestation, you will discover a 
bliss beyond any you have ever known. 
Because Spirit and Matter are ultimately not-two, and because we know that 
matter is evolving, spirit evolves right along with it. Here lies the heart of 
Integral Tantra. The apparent separation between form and emptiness is the very 
first boundary we draw in our experience, and is the very last to be 
transcended on the path to enlightenment. And it is this primordial duality 
which, through the process of evolution, fractalizes into every other dualism 
in our lives: feminine/masculine, interior/exterior, whole/part, 
collective/individual, etc. 
Because Integral Tantra encompasses literally everything, it allows us to bring 
everything to our spiritual paths, while leading us to the central thread 
running through every single dualism in existence—pull this thread, and the 
entire Kosmos comes undone right before (and right behind) our eyes....


Simply Uncool
Diane Musho Hamilton

In Defense of Promiscuity Part II
Jun Po Kelly Roshi

In Defense of Chastity
Emily Ann Baratta

Why Are Our Spiritual Teachers So Screwed Up?
John Dupuy

Integral Sexual Ethics
Emily Ann Baratta

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continued support and enthusiasm. And yet our journey has only just begun. Help 
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