There is a new book out by Brad Warner about this topic called There Is No
God and He is Everywhere.

I am only on chapter 2 but it is interesting so far.

The straw Gods that people argue against here (based I suppose on the media
reports of extremist positions) are given short shrift, but the idea of God
outside of our beliefs and thoughts is fleshed out.

 On Jun 14, 2013 3:05 PM, "Merle Lester" <> wrote:

>  mike...
> indeed it is good..and so we do
>  at the end of the cannot reason the existence of god..
> god is god is god...
> merle
> Merle,
> I half agree and disagree. I think it's good for us to contemplate these
> kind of issues from time to time and then thru diligent practice the
> 'answers' can be realised. For example, do you blindly accept the existence
> of God or do you also use reason? I would agree that it is only thru
> experiential wisdom that these kind of questions will be resolved - usually
> in the form of no longer needing to ask such questions of ourselves - but
> there have been some great thinkers from the jnana school of yoga, too. I
> think Suresh may have had such exposure.
> Mike
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad
>  ------------------------------
> * From: * Merle Lester <>;
> * To: * <>;
> * Subject: * Re: [Zen] God
> * Sent: * Fri, Jun 14, 2013 11:32:35 AM
>  relax suresh...stop the mind games..relax...and as joe says
> practice...merle
> Dear Sirs,
> For last few days. I was wondering whether there can be any god at
> all, I being born Hindu Brahmin, keep  going to temples, and hearing
> all those discourses, Bhajans, etc., and wanted to see the god right
> in front of my eyes. But that did not happened so far. May be I might
> have imagined and brought those image right in front of my closed
> eyes, but that is not the god.
> After reading JK and OSHO, I wondered what the truth is.
> Ramana had mixed teachings. He says self is all, and self is god or
> self is guru. At one place on dissolution, there exist only brahman,
> and not god, so god is the product of maya.
> Now what is god?
> Is god Shiva or Vishnu? There are group of saints who has seen god as
> Shiva, and there are group of saints who has seen god as Vishnu. And
> there are other saints who has seen god in different names and forms.
> In recent days, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa claimed to have seen god has
> Kali. Ramana states god is in heart cave just like shivalinga.
> Now those who claim god in some form are highly intelligent and done
> great virtues.
> Now Buddha maintained a neutral state, neither deny god, nor accept
> god, by not speaking about god.
> The Atheist who deny god, mainly shows the inequality of the world,
> such as some are rich and some are poor. And many who are doing bad
> deeds, live happily and those who always does good deeds live in
> miserable condition. If god would have been there, who is supposed to
> be full of love, why he has not given good life for those who does
> good deeds?
> For this inequality there is one answer that is Karma. Those who did
> good karmas in past life, now are enjoying and those who did bad
> karmas in the past life are suffering.
> But those who are in good living condition, why haven’t learnt in
> their past life not to do any bad karmas now, because they only cause
> suffering to others.
> Most of the Suffering or happiness is caused by human beings alone
> even though nature also plays role here, science states even the
> suffering caused by nature is also in turn by human beings only,
> because of his unintelligent acts with nature.
> Then why these human beings haven’t learnt to be happy while living on
> this earth?
> Then the answer is selfishness.  Again this selfishness is cause of
> ignorance. The ignorance is that human beings doesn’t learn that my
> happiness is depends on your happiness. If I want to be happy, then I
> have to make you happy, then only my happiness is not disturbed by
> you.
> So human beings have to learn the principle of sharing.
> But this sharing is not an easy thing for human beings. Why?
> Because unconsciously we believe that by sharing our happiness diminishes.
> So we always like to possess more. Common belief is that if one
> possesses more, than more happier he will be.
> That possession can be of anything, it may be of wealth, it may be of
> knowledge, it may be of people. And this desire to possess has no
> limit.
> The rich want to become more rich. The knowledgeable person wants to
> become more knowledgeable. The person who controls large crowd of
> people, want to establish his control in much larger crowd. So in
> nutshell the human mind do not mind to possess if it can possess the
> universe also.
> Who will like to possess?
> To possess something, one need to have space.
> To possess more rich wealth, one need more space.
> To possess more knowledge, one needs to have more space in brain.
> So this desire to possess rises from the emptiness of oneself.
> Only empty can possess. So the self is empty. So the self is empty of
> all visible forms.
> Can these forms fill this emptiness completely, so that there is no
> more space to possess anymore, and hence fulfilled?
> Since when fulfilled, no desire to possess will raise and hence
> sharing become easy and hence human beings don’t suffer.
> Now I see from the above arguments, there are two kinds exist, that is
> forms and emptiness. Emptiness is self, i.e consciousness which is
> empty of all visible forms and the forms.
> Emptiness is still non-moving, whereas forms move.
> Which is the origin of what?
> Is emptiness created form or form created emptiness?
> For example the form suresh body was not there before, now present and
> then some time later it will not be there.
> All forms appear some time and later disappear, so all forms have to
> be from this emptiness.
> So emptiness is the origin, present and ending.
> Since emptiness creates forms, it is not empty, but full of something,
> it has potential to create forms, play with it and destroy it.
> This emptiness or this consciousness is neither yours nor mine, which
> means it is not separated by the forms. Forms don’t possess emptiness.
> Even thought is form. Emptiness possesses form.
> Moment a form is created by the emptiness, then it is subjected to
> law. Like moment a baby is born it is subject to environmental factors
> surrounded by it, since there are already forms created.
> Now what is god? Is emptiness or the consciousness god? Or the form
> created by the emptiness? Or the law between the forms.
> At most we can conclude is that the emptiness or consciousness is god.
> But this emptiness or consciousness has no form, then how come there
> are many gods in Sanathana Dharma in form?
> How these saints have seen god in these forms such as Shiva, Vishnu,
> Subramanya, Ganesh and Devis and so on in innumerable gods?
> The saints actually the pure consciousness can create any form of god.
> So these god forms were created by these saints, which have some
> utility for other human beings such as to bring order to make life
> comfortable for living.
> Hence Ramana statement of “In dissolution there remains only the
> non-dual Brahman and no Isvara” is true. Isvara thus the product of
> maya or the ego, the individual sense of self.
> Hence no god in all those forms we worship, but there is god as
> consciousness which is all or self is all.
> Hence dwaitham is utility for better living and Advaitham for freedom.
> Best wishes
> Suresh
> --
> Thanks and best regards
> J.Suresh
> New No.3, Old No.7,
> Chamiers road - 1st Lane,
> Alwarpet,
> Chennai - 600018
> Ph: 044 42030947
> Mobile: 91 9884071738
> ------------------------------------
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