If UCarp is broken in the Zen Community Edition, you could try my fork at
karmalb.org.uk which will be using a later version as I keep my
distribution more up to date with Debian releases, although as not many
people have tried it in anger, it may well suffer the same issues as the
3.10.1 version it was based on.  If the owners of Zen (whoever they call
themselves at the moment) are keeping crucial fixes back from the
community, then it probably wont.

I'm wondering what happened to ZEVENET - the community release from Zen we
were promised - https://sourceforge.net/projects/zevenet/ - seems to have
come to nothing.

I also see there has been a commercial release of Zen LB in the last few
days, so more more non CE work seems to have been going on.


I'd rather work with the existing developers, but it's hard in a vacuum.

-Steve Goldthorpe

On 25 September 2016 at 20:04, Emilio Campos <emilio.campos.mar...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Dear Christopher, Zen EE and Zen Community Edition implement cluster with
> VRRP protocol, ucarp implemented, but both ucarp version are not the same.
> Ucarp in Community edition as another binaries are included in Debian
> package but Ucarp in Enterprise Edition is using an improved Ucarp version
> with several bugs fixed.
> Anyway in your reported logs I see that the same event in both nodes show
> different date (maybe a few seconds in difference) can you confirm that ntp
> sync is working properly?
> Execute ntp sync in both nodes to confirm:
> /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenntp/zenntp.pl
> If you confirm that one zen ee pair is working properly in the same
> hypervisor cluster you are trying to configure zen ee then maybe the issue
> is in zen ce.
> Checking your reported network configuration I see that eth1 is part of
> cluster service (managed by ucarp) so eth0 will be deleted and stopped in
> node backend and configured as master as soon cluster starts.
> On the other hand, in virtual environments we recommend to configure Dead
> ratio value with 10.
> Could you check my notes and execute my recommended actions (Dead ratio =
> 10) in order to verify it solves the issue?
> Thanks
> 2016-09-21 19:17 GMT+02:00 Christopher Young <mexigaba...@gmail.com>:
>> Well, I feel like I'm getting further from the solution at the moment.
>> I just noticed that another one of my community edition cluster is not
>> working as well.  (It looks like the same problem).
>> What is interesting is that my EE cluster (running on VMs on the same VM
>> platform, servers, switches) IS working fine (as far as I can tell).
>> This is odd.  I've got through the process of verifying that macspoofing
>> is enabled for these VMs per previous discussion/instructions (some of
>> which I was involved in on this list a long time ago).  Any feedback and/or
>> troubleshooting steps would be most appreciated.
>> The first question that comes to mind is "Does the EE of Zen utilize is
>> different manner in establishing and maintaining a cluster that would make
>> it work and not these?"
>> Thanks again!
>> -- Chris
>> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Christopher Young <
>> mexigaba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just got some time to look at this again.  Here are some entries from
>>> my systems, though first let me give an overview of the setup in case it
>>> helps:
>>> Nodes:
>>> orldc-prod-netlb01
>>> orldc-prod-netlb02
>>> They have 2 interfaces each (these are VM's running RHEV/oVirt, btw)
>>> On orldc-prod-netlb01:
>>> -----
>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb01:~# ifconfig
>>> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:af
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::21a:4aff:fe16:1af/64 Scope:Link
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>>           RX packets:823698 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>           TX packets:34753 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>>           RX bytes:233120483 (222.3 MiB)  TX bytes:4205889 (4.0 MiB)
>>> eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:b0
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::21a:4aff:fe16:1b0/64 Scope:Link
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>>           RX packets:2579616 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>           TX packets:1289074 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>>           RX bytes:180811247 (172.4 MiB)  TX bytes:90488489 (86.2 MiB)
>>> eth1:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:b0
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>> -----
>>> On orldc-prod-netlb02:
>>> -----
>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb02:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs# ifconfig
>>> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:b1
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::21a:4aff:fe16:1b1/64 Scope:Link
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>>           RX packets:825157 errors:0 dropped:4 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>           TX packets:32922 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>>           RX bytes:233049562 (222.2 MiB)  TX bytes:3004798 (2.8 MiB)
>>> eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:b2
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::21a:4aff:fe16:1b2/64 Scope:Link
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>>           RX packets:1290289 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>           TX packets:1289030 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>>           RX bytes:90571721 (86.3 MiB)  TX bytes:90460829 (86.2 MiB)
>>> eth1:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4a:16:01:b2
>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>> -----
>>> ===================================
>>> Older ucarp.log entries on orldc-prod-netlb01:
>>> -----
>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb01:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs# cat ucarp.log.1
>>> Sep  6 12:09:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31586]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b0]
>>> Sep  6 12:09:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31586]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 12:09:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31586]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 12:09:51 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31586]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 12:09:51 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31586]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 10:07:46 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[427]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b0]
>>> Sep  6 10:07:46 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[427]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 10:07:46 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[427]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 10:07:53 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[427]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 10:07:53 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[427]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:30:33 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1165]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b0]
>>> Sep  6 14:30:33 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1165]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 14:30:33 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1165]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:30:40 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1165]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 14:30:40 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1165]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:34:10 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1802]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b0]
>>> Sep  6 14:34:10 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1802]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 14:34:10 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1802]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:34:17 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1802]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 14:34:17 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1802]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> -----
>>> Older ucarp.log entries on orldc-prod-netlb02:
>>> -----
>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb02:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs# cat ucarp.log.1
>>> Sep  6 12:09:48 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31158]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b2]
>>> Sep  6 12:09:48 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31158]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 12:09:48 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31158]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 12:09:56 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31158]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 12:09:56 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[31158]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 10:13:38 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[426]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b2]
>>> Sep  6 10:13:38 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[426]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 10:13:38 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[426]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 10:13:46 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[426]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 10:13:46 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[426]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:30:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[594]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b2]
>>> Sep  6 14:30:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[594]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 14:30:43 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[594]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:30:50 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[594]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 14:30:50 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[594]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:34:20 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1142]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b2]
>>> Sep  6 14:34:20 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1142]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep  6 14:34:20 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1142]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep  6 14:34:27 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1142]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep  6 14:34:27 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[1142]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> -----
>>> ====================================
>>> I decided to try to remove the virtual interface and go through the
>>> process all over again with logs.  So, here's the logs from the most
>>> recently attempt:
>>> -----
>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb01:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs# tail -f
>>> ucarp.log zenlatency.log zenloadbalancer.log
>>> ==> ucarp.log <==
>>> Sep 21 12:24:02 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[22673]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b0]
>>> Sep 21 12:24:02 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[22673]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep 21 12:24:02 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[22673]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep 21 12:24:09 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[22673]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep 21 12:24:09 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[22673]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> ***** ^^^
>>> ****** ^^^ NOTICE that is says 'orldc-prod-netlb02' here which is the
>>> OTHER node.  Is that normal? *****
>>> *****
>>> ==> zenlatency.log <==
>>> 16/09/21 12-24-02 Running start commands:
>>> Running: /sbin/ip addr del dev eth1 label eth1:1
>>> Stopping zeninotify with pid 1825
>>> 16/09/21 12-24-09 Running start commands:
>>> Running: /sbin/ip addr add dev eth1 label eth1:1
>>> Running Zen inotify syncronization service
>>> /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zeninotify/zeninotify.pl &
>>> ==> zenloadbalancer.log <==
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip link set eth1 up'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - sending '/usr/bin/arping -c 2 -A -I eth1
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip link set eth1:1 up'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip rule del from
>>> table table_eth1'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip rule add from
>>> table table_eth1'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - sending '/usr/bin/arping -c 2 -A -I eth1
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip route del default'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:14 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - running '/sbin/ip route add default via
>>> dev eth0 '
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:18 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - Cluster configured on mode orldc-prod-netlb01
>>> master and orldc-prod-netlb02 backup automatic failover
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:18 EDT 2016 - orldc-prod-netlb01.passur.local:444 -
>>> - admin - Reload here <a href="index.cgi?id=3-3"><img
>>> src="img/icons/small/arrow_refresh.png"></a> to apply changes
>>> -----
>>> ==> ucarp.log <==
>>> Sep 21 12:24:07 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[21206]: [INFO] Local advertised
>>> ethernet address is [00:1a:4a:16:01:b2]
>>> Sep 21 12:24:07 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[21206]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: BACKUP
>>> Sep 21 12:24:07 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[21206]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-stop.pl eth1
>>> Sep 21 12:24:15 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[21206]: [WARNING] Switching to
>>> state: MASTER
>>> Sep 21 12:24:15 orldc-prod-netlb02 ucarp[21206]: [WARNING] Spawning
>>> [/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zenlatency/zenlatency-start.pl eth1
>>> ==> zenlatency.log <==
>>> 16/09/21 12-24-07 Running start commands:
>>> RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address
>>> Running: /sbin/ip addr del dev eth1 label eth1:1
>>> Stopping zeninotify with pid 1173
>>> 16/09/21 12-24-15 Running start commands:
>>> Running: /sbin/ip addr add dev eth1 label eth1:1
>>> Running Zen inotify syncronization service
>>> /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/app/zeninotify/zeninotify.pl &
>>> ==> zenloadbalancer.log <==
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip route add
>>> dev eth0 src table table_eth0 '
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip rule add from
>>> table table_eth0'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip link set eth0
>>> up'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - sending '/usr/bin/arping -c 2 -A
>>> -I eth0'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip link set
>>> eth1:1 up'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip rule del from
>>> table table_eth1'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip rule add from
>>> table table_eth1'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - sending '/usr/bin/arping -c 2 -A
>>> -I eth1'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip route del
>>> default'
>>> Wed Sep 21 12:24:20 EDT 2016 -  -  -  - running '/sbin/ip route add
>>> default via dev eth0 '
>>> -----
>>> I hope this helps lead me down the right path.  I'm going to start by
>>> migrating these to another hypervisor just to see if something may be
>>> related to that in some way.
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> -- Chris
>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:55 AM, Emilio Campos <
>>> emilio.campos.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Christopher, if the issue is presented in your cluster at the
>>>> moment of the first configuration, then the problem must be related with
>>>> VRRP packets, if VRRP packets are not received then the cluster node can't
>>>> take the decession if the node is master or backup, so both cluster nodes
>>>> will be master.
>>>> If the issue is present once the cluster is configured then you should
>>>> be experiencing some issues with NTP sync.
>>>> Any case if you could send us ucarp log file in the directory
>>>> /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs/ and syslog in /var/log/syslog it
>>>> could help us to understand what you are experiencing.
>>>> Thanks in advanced.
>>>> 2016-09-12 19:34 GMT+02:00 Christopher Young <mexigaba...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> I feel good about the switches since I have other ZenLB instances
>>>>> running fine.  The appropriate MAC spoofing options are enabled for these
>>>>> VMs, so I believe that would be ok, but is there some method to verify 
>>>>> that
>>>>> it is working (I'd like to have that as a check regardless)?
>>>>> I will get the logs from both systems and attach in another message,
>>>>> but so far I've tried to go through the standard process of creating the
>>>>> cluster several times with the same result (everything passes, but the
>>>>> cluster doesn't appear to work... I'll elaborate shortly).  Thanks for the
>>>>> response.  I'm hoping to solve this as soon as I can.
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 4:04 AM, Emilio Campos <
>>>>> emilio.campos.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Christopher what kind of issue are you experiencing? pleaes
>>>>>> could you paste us some informatio?
>>>>>> Related to the cluster configuration all the information is sent to
>>>>>> log /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs/zenloadbalancer.log and
>>>>>> /usr/local/zenloadbalancer/logs/ucarp.log
>>>>>> Verify mac spoofing is enabled and VRRP protocol is not locked in
>>>>>> switches.
>>>>>> Anyway if you paste us the error and logs we could give you more
>>>>>> information.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> 2016-09-06 20:51 GMT+02:00 Christopher Young <mexigaba...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> I appear to have this issue and yet my content3-3.cgi seems to be
>>>>>>> correct.  I have other clusters (both commercial EE and CE) working and
>>>>>>> macspoofing enabled on the systems (RHEV/oVirt), so this seems like an 
>>>>>>> odd
>>>>>>> one for me:
>>>>>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb02:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/www# sha1sum
>>>>>>> content3-3.cgi
>>>>>>> f859509c00db125fd35bf24fcc9d6a5ca8a90e68  content3-3.cgi
>>>>>>> root@orldc-prod-netlb02:/usr/local/zenloadbalancer/www# sha256sum
>>>>>>> content3-3.cgi
>>>>>>> 8c8c652637c12383b12357c1c67913619d9efb41b2572a47e07078f4861d80f0
>>>>>>>  content3-3.cgi
>>>>>>> I downloaded a fairly recent ISO, so it looks like the patched
>>>>>>> version was included.  If there anything specific that I could look in 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> logs and config files that might help me troubleshoot the issue?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Shawn Hawkins <
>>>>>>> shawk...@texasbankandtrust.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> That did the trick.  Thank you.
>>>>>>>> *Shawn Hawkins | **Administrative Officer | *
>>>>>>>> *Network Administrator*
>>>>>>>> *Texas Bank and Trust | P.O. Box 3188 | Longview, TX 75606p. (903)
>>>>>>>> 237-5674 <%28903%29%20237-5674> | f. (903) 237-1875 
>>>>>>>> <%28903%29%20237-1875>
>>>>>>>> | shawk...@texasbankandtrust.com <shawk...@texasbankandtrust.com>*
>>>>>>>> The above message is confidential and intended only for the use of
>>>>>>>> the person to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is
>>>>>>>> privileged and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the
>>>>>>>> reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or
>>>>>>>> agent responsible for delivering the message to intended recipient, 
>>>>>>>> you are
>>>>>>>> hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or other 
>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>> of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have
>>>>>>>> received this transmission in error, please notify the sender 
>>>>>>>> immediately
>>>>>>>> by telephone and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in
>>>>>>>> electronic or hard copy format.
>>>>>>>> Thank You,
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> --
> Load balancer distribution - Open Source Project
> http://www.zenloadbalancer.com
> Distribution list (subscribe): zenloadbalancer-support@lists.
> sourceforge.net
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> Zenloadbalancer-support@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/zenloadbalancer-support
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