Hello Peter,

> Here's an example http://www.zeromq.org/blog:multithreaded-server
> As far as I
> > understand ZMQ_REQ/ZMQ_REP sockets are unidirectional
> Typically, a ZMQ_REQ socket (client) sends a request message to a
> ZMQ_REP (server) socket. The ZMQ_REQ socket blocks until the reply
> message from the ZMQ_REP socket is returned to the ZMQ_REQ socket.

Thanks for the quick answer, but it is not exactly what I have asked for. It
seems that I was not explicit on required "bidirectionality". My main goal is to
get async message exchange like AFAIU ZMQ_PAIR socket provides. I.e. the
possibility to send messages both from a client and a server at any moment of
time and not following req/rep scheme.

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