On Jul 4, 2012, at 5:22 AM, Daniel Krikun wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm building a service-oriented system. A client sends a request to create 
> some entity on the server. The server creates the entity and then replies 
> with the entity's handle, so that the client can send more requests regarding 
> the entity (i.e. modify/delete it).
> I need to match the request to create an entity with the reply containing its 
> handle (otherwise a client could potentially confuse between different 
> entities' handles).
> Is there any recommended way do that in zeromq? Any 'best practices'?

I usually use the Majordomo protocol / pattern as the basis for most of the 
work I do.

> If I understand that correctly, using REQ-REP socket combination ensures that 
> the reply will match the request, however: 
> 1. The server is multi-threaded and does not ensures first-come-first-served 
> policy

You solve this by using Dealer/Router.

> 2. Some request are left without reply intentionally, which is not possible 
> with REQ-REP, so I actually use DEALER-DEALER combination.

You should use Dealer/ROUTER instead of Dealer/Dealer. 


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