On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Michal Laskowski <ls...@o2.pl> wrote:

> So for that I have found ZMQ_FAIL_UNROUTABLE option. And it is working 
> correctly for a simple case when first message is unroutable. But when we 
> start an endpoint, send message from frontend(which is delivered to 
> endpoint), then close(terminate) endpoint and try to send message once again 
> we will not get EHOSTUNREACH. For sender it seems like everything is correct.
> I got the same behaviour in 3.3 version, with ZMQ_ROUTER_BEHAVIOUR.

That sounds like a bug - would you be able to create a minimal test
case (ideally in C) and post it out zeromq.jira.com?


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