On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at> wrote:
> I have an application where a named pipe, and a sysfs device is monitored. I 
> did the prototype with libzmq - which worked fine - and the switched to czmq, 
> which broke things for me.
> the issue is: czmq is too agresssive in shutting down a poll handler if a 
> POLLERR is returned.

Could be.

> I dont like it, but am unsure what to do; fiddling with the inner loop of the 
> reactor I dont feel confident about yet.

It's a little involved but not so complex so my advice would be to
look at the internals, propose a patch.

You do want to provide a test case so people can see the before/after results.

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