Thank you, Whitney, you've made my day. I've been contemplating this part of my 
cloud over and over for days and was loath to do something complex when 
currently it's very simple and sleek. I can see ZMQ is a perfect fit :-D


Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Feb 2013, at 08:15, Whitney Jackson <> wrote:

> Yeah sure. It'll work just fine with tcp endpoints.
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:11 AM, Lee Sylvester <> 
> wrote:
>> That's wonderful, thank you. But, what about across servers? Wouldn't I need 
>> to rely on TCP? If so, can they also do this?
>> Thanks,
>> Lee
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 17 Feb 2013, at 07:48, Whitney Jackson <> wrote:
>>> > I'm guessing the subs cannot connect to many?
>>> Guess again :) Here's a python example:
>>> # start
>>> import zmq
>>> c = zmq.Context()
>>> s = c.socket(zmq.SUB)
>>> s.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
>>> s.connect('ipc://ep1')
>>> s.connect('ipc://ep2')
>>> while True:
>>>     m = s.recv()
>>>     print m
>>>     print ''
>>> # end
>>> # start
>>> import time
>>> import zmq
>>> c = zmq.Context()
>>> s = c.socket(zmq.PUB)
>>> s.bind('ipc://ep1')
>>> s.bind('ipc://ep2')
>>> while True:
>>>     print 'hi'
>>>     s.send('hi')
>>>     time.sleep(1)
>>> # end
>>> will print two 'hi's every second because it received one on 
>>> ipc://ep1 and another on ipc://ep2.
>>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 1:22 AM, Lee Sylvester <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your reply, Witney, but I need it the other way. I need a 
>>>> sub socket to be connected to multiple pub endpoints... This is because 
>>>> every instance will have a single publisher, telling all who is interested 
>>>> about events, but that same service will want to list to an arbitrary 
>>>> number of other services for their events. Essentially, I'd be forming a 
>>>> type of mesh, where each service has  two endpoint (pub and sub) and all 
>>>> connect to all. I knew pub could connect to many, as it binds, but I'm 
>>>> guessing the subs cannot connect to many?
>>>> Thanks loads,
>>>> Lee
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 17 Feb 2013, at 05:18, Whitney Jackson <> wrote:
>>>>> > Is it possible for a sub socket to bind to multiple pub sockets?
>>>>> Yes. You can call bind and/or connect on a socket as many times at you 
>>>>> like.
>>>>> > If so, where is there an example of this?
>>>>> Here's an example from the guide where a pub socket is bound to multiple 
>>>>> endpoints:
>>>>> If you connect a sub socket to multiple endpoints then it gets a message 
>>>>> whenever any of the publishers to which it's connected send.
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Lee Sylvester <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>> So, I want to do a many to many pubsub.  I already have a discovery 
>>>>>> mechanism and logging, but what I need is for a service to bind to a pub 
>>>>>> socket and subscribe to a set list of instances of itself on the server 
>>>>>> and other servers. The Zyre framework, although awesome, seems a little 
>>>>>> large for my needs as I already have a number of the features it 
>>>>>> supplies built in to my framework. Is it possible for a sub socket to 
>>>>>> bind to multiple pub sockets?  If so, where is there an example of this? 
>>>>>> Can I also add a pub socket to listen to when all is already running?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Lee
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