Hi all,

Sorry to come back with this, I am still blocked with my attempt to proxy CURVE with ZMQ_STREAM. The problem is depicted here (https://github.com/lalebarde/streamq-proxy) in the status.

As it is a festivity period, please welcome this last bottle in the sea.



Le 23/12/2013 17:13, Laurent Alebarde a écrit :
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce you that *StreamQ-Proxy* is born.

StreamQ-Proxy aims at providing a proxy capable of proxying complex 0MQ security mechanisms. Today, if you want to set-up a server secured with the CURVE mechanism as a broker and workers, all security hand-checks and message en/decoding have to be performed inside the broker, then the messages are dispatched to the workers in plain text. We want the capability to delegate these towards the workers.

As of now, it only contains more information, the requirements for this feature, and a test program starter that still does not work.

Please, let me know your interest in it.

Here it is: https://github.com/lalebarde/streamq-proxy



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