If you don't trust your peers you should probably be using ZeroMQ 4.x
and security. Then you will only see authenticated peers.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Dmitriy Vsekhvalnov
<dvsekhval...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> continue my little evaluation of zeromq and wanted to ask next question: is
> it possible to force disconnect of client from router side? (e.g. disconnect
> req or dealer).
> If it is not possible are those clients who connected to router socket
> consume resources? A lot? Even if no messages send/received from them?
> We are in environment where we don't trust peers until they complete
> handshake with router socket.
> And would like to disconnect them if handshake failed. (i know we can simply
> ignore them and keep connected).
> Thanks.
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