Yes, I agree that something as simple as a bunch of printf statements (maybe 
controlled by an #ifdef) could make debugging this kind of problem a lot 
easier. Then you could convert those into automatic sanity checks (again, maybe 
controlled by an #ifdef) so that 0mq has more awareness of misuse.

Perhaps you could use your recently acquired experience to contribute a first 
cut to this...

Gonzalo Diethelm
DCV Chile

[] On Behalf Of Michi Henning
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 7:41 PM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] [pyzmq] Cython vs CFFI backends

I just went through a similar experience. In my case, the problem was that 
wasn't called from the same thread that created the socket.

You may find the explanations here useful:

Debugging these hands is a real pain. Is there anything that could be added to 
the Zmq API
to make this easier? For example, getting a list of unclosed sockets would be 
as would be warnings if a socket is closed from a thread other than the one 
that created it.



On 14 Apr 2014, at 8:29 , Alexander S. 
<<>> wrote:

Hey all.

I am debugging a hang in my application: the ctx.linger option is set before 
creating any sockets, but it still hangs on ctx.term().

While scanning the pyzmq code I noticed the CFFI backend supports passing a 
linger parameter to the term() call whereas the Cython backend does not. This 
does not appear to be documented. Is there a reason for this difference? Or can 
I simply code up a pull request to add the linger parameter?

More generally, is PyPy the only reason one would use the CFFI backend? That 
is, can I compile pyzmq to use CFFI with CPython? And do we have a published 
list of differences/features supported by the two backends?

Lot's of questions. :) Thanks for the help!
Alexander Sideropoulos<>
zeromq-dev mailing list<>

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