I've cloned https://github.com/zeromq/zeromq4-1 and copied it to the
location C:\zeromq4-1 on my machine.  I've then opened the Visual Studio
2013 solution and tried to build zeromq using either the 'StaticRelease' or
'DynamicRelease' settings.  Either way I get errors, such as listed below.


Does anyone please know how to fix this?






1>------ Build started: Project: libzmq, Configuration: ReleaseLIB Win32

1>  ConfigurationType : StaticLibrary

1>  Configuration     : ReleaseLIB

1>  PlatformToolset   : v120

1>  TargetPath        :

1>  Option-openpgm    : 

1>  Option-sodium     : true

1>  Option-gssapi     : 

1>  Linkage-libsodium : static

1>  address.cpp

1>  clock.cpp

1>  ctx.cpp

1>  curve_client.cpp

1>  curve_server.cpp

1>  dealer.cpp

1>  devpoll.cpp

1>  dist.cpp

1>  epoll.cpp

1>  err.cpp

1>  fq.cpp

1>  gssapi_client.cpp

1>  gssapi_mechanism_base.cpp

1>  gssapi_server.cpp

1>  io_object.cpp

1>  io_thread.cpp

1>  ip.cpp

1>  ipc_address.cpp

1>  ipc_connecter.cpp

1>  ipc_listener.cpp

1>  kqueue.cpp

1>  lb.cpp

1>  mailbox.cpp

1>  mechanism.cpp

1>  metadata.cpp

1>  msg.cpp

1>  mtrie.cpp

1>  null_mechanism.cpp

1>  object.cpp

1>  options.cpp

1>  own.cpp

1>  pair.cpp

1>  pgm_receiver.cpp

1>  pgm_sender.cpp

1>  pgm_socket.cpp

1>  pipe.cpp

1>  plain_client.cpp

1>  plain_server.cpp

1>  poll.cpp

1>  poller_base.cpp

1>  precompiled.cpp

1>  proxy.cpp

1>  pub.cpp

1>  pull.cpp

1>  push.cpp

1>  random.cpp

1>  raw_decoder.cpp

1>  raw_encoder.cpp

1>  reaper.cpp

1>  rep.cpp

1>  req.cpp

1>  router.cpp

1>  select.cpp

1>  session_base.cpp

1>  signaler.cpp

1>  socket_base.cpp

1>  socks.cpp

1>  socks_connecter.cpp

1>  stream.cpp

1>  stream_engine.cpp

1>  sub.cpp

1>  tcp.cpp

1>  tcp_address.cpp

1>  tcp_connecter.cpp

1>  tcp_listener.cpp

1>  thread.cpp

1>  trie.cpp

1>  v1_decoder.cpp

1>  v1_encoder.cpp

1>  v2_decoder.cpp

1>  v2_encoder.cpp

1>  xpub.cpp

1>  xsub.cpp

1>  zmq.cpp

1>  zmq_utils.cpp

1>..\..\..\..\src\zmq.cpp(631): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from
'int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

1>  libzmq.vcxproj ->

2>------ Build started: Project: inproc_thr, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE
Win32 ------

3>------ Build started: Project: inproc_lat, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE
Win32 ------

4>------ Build started: Project: remote_thr, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE
Win32 ------

5>------ Build started: Project: remote_lat, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE
Win32 ------

2>  ConfigurationType : Application

2>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

2>  PlatformToolset   : v120

2>  TargetPath        :

2>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

2>  Linkage-libsodium : static

2>  inproc_thr.cpp

3>  ConfigurationType : Application

3>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

3>  PlatformToolset   : v120

3>  TargetPath        :

3>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

3>  Linkage-libsodium : static

3>  inproc_lat.cpp

4>  ConfigurationType : Application

4>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

4>  PlatformToolset   : v120

4>  TargetPath        :

4>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

4>  Linkage-libsodium : static

4>  remote_thr.cpp

5>  ConfigurationType : Application

5>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

5>  PlatformToolset   : v120

5>  TargetPath        :

5>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

5>  Linkage-libsodium : static

5>  remote_lat.cpp

2>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

3>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

6>------ Build started: Project: local_thr, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE Win32

6>  ConfigurationType : Application

6>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

6>  PlatformToolset   : v120

6>  TargetPath        :

6>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

6>  Linkage-libsodium : static

6>  local_thr.cpp

7>------ Build started: Project: local_lat, Configuration: ReleaseSEXE Win32

4>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

7>  ConfigurationType : Application

7>  Configuration     : ReleaseSEXE

7>  PlatformToolset   : v120

7>  TargetPath        :

7>  Linkage-libzmq    : static

7>  Linkage-libsodium : static

7>  local_lat.cpp

6>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

5>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

7>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'

========== Build: 1 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========



Error      2              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\inproc_thr\LINK                inproc_thr

Error      3              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\inproc_lat\LINK                inproc_lat

Error      4              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\remote_thr\LINK              remote_thr

Error      5              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\local_thr\LINK                local_thr

Error      6              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\remote_lat\LINK               remote_lat

Error      7              error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libzmq.lib'
C:\zeromq4-1\builds\msvc\vs2013\local_lat\LINK                local_lat

Warning               1              warning C4244: 'return' : conversion
from 'int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data   C:\zeromq4-1\src\zmq.cpp
631         1              libzmq

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