
That's more than two years I have not used 0MQ. I assume many things has
changed in the time between. Reviewing the change log, I have to dig in
the huge adds in the 4.1.0 rc1 release of October 2014.

I have moved professionaly and where I am now, they are used to using a
Java+JBoss|Tomcat stack for quite everything, because of easy
development, automatic database connexions management, easy deployment,
scalability, and portability. They say it saves at least half of the
working effort.

In my previous life with 0MQ, I used C++ and 0MQ for connexions and

Could someone please provide me some insight of today state of the art
stacks for scalable message-oriented middleware + web services, with a
full stack advice for C/C++ and Java ? Rationals are welcome.


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