Hi Luca and thanks for your reply.

> Note that these are two well-known anti-patterns. The context is
> intended to be shared and be unique in an application, and live for as
> long as the process does, and the sockets are meant to be long lived as
> well.
> I would recommend refactoring and, at the very least, use a single
> context for the duration of your application.

I always thought that having separate context was safer. I will refactor the application to use one context for all the clients/sockets and see if it makes any difference.

I wonder if that's going eliminate the initial problem though. If the sockets really get somehow stuck/into an inconsistent state, then I imagine they will just "leak" and stay in that context forever, possibly preventing the app from a proper termination.

The client usually is long lived for as long as the app lives but in this particular app, it's a bit more special in that the separate tasks just use the clients to fetch some data in a standardized way, do their computation and exit. These tasks are periodically spawned by celery.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 08 May 2017 11:58:42 +0100
From: Luca Boccassi <luca.bocca...@gmail.com>
To: ZeroMQ development list <zeromq-dev@lists.zeromq.org>
Cc: "develop...@repositpower.com" <develop...@repositpower.com>
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Destroying 0MQ context gets indefinitely
        stuck/hangs despite linger=0
Message-ID: <1494241122.11089.5.ca...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Mon, 2017-05-08 at 11:08 +1000, Tomas Krajca wrote:
Hi all,

I have come across a weird/bad bug, I believe.

I run libzmq 4.1.6 and pyzmq 16.0.2. This happens on both Centos 6
Centos 7.

The application is a celery worker that runs 16 worker threads. Each
worker thread instantiates a 0MQ-based client, gets data and then
this client. The 0MQ-based client creates its own 0MQ context and
terminates it on exit. Nothing is shared between the threads or
every client processes only one request and then it's fully

The client itself is a REQ socket which uses CURVE authentication to
authenticate with a ROUTER socket on the server side. The REQ socket
linger=0. Almost always, the REQ socket issues request, gets back
response, closes the socket, destroys its context, all is good. Once
every one or two days though, the REQ socket times out when waiting
the response from the ROUTER server, it then successfully closes the
socket but indefinitely hangs when it goes on to destroy the context.

Note that these are two well-known anti-patterns. The context is
intended to be shared and be unique in an application, and live for as
long as the process does, and the sockets are meant to be long lived as

I would recommend refactoring and, at the very least, use a single
context for the duration of your application.

This runs in a data center on 1Gb/s LAN so the responses usually
in under a second, the timeout is 20s. My theory is that the socket
into a weird state and that's why it times out and blocks the

I ran a tcpdump and it turns out that the REQ client successfully
authenticates with the ROUTER server but then it goes completely
for those 20 odd seconds.

Here is a tcpdump capture of a stuck REQ client -
https://pastebin.com/HxWAp6SQ. Here is a tcpdump capture of a normal
communication - https://pastebin.com/qCi1jTp0. This is a full
(after SIGABRT signal to the stuck application) -

Here is ulimit:

[root@auhwbesap001 tomask]# cat /proc/311/limits
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited
Max core file size        0                    unlimited
Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited
Max processes             31141                31141
Max open files            8196                 8196
Max locked memory         65536                65536
Max address space         unlimited            unlimited
Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited
Max pending signals       31141                31141
Max msgqueue size         819200               819200
Max nice priority         0                    0
Max realtime priority     0                    0
Max realtime
timeout      unlimited            unlimited            us

The application doesn't seem to get over any of the limits, it
hovers between 100 and 200 open file handlers.

I tried to swap the REQ socket for a DEALER socket but that didn't
the context eventually hung as well.

I also tried to set ZMQ_BLOCKY to 0 and/or ZMQ_HANDSHAKE_IVL to
but the context still eventually hung.

I looked into the C++ code of libzmq but would need some guidance to
troubleshoot this as I am primarily a python programmer.

I think we had a similar issue back in 2014 -
tml. From
memory, the tcpdump capture also showed the client/REQ going silent
after the successful initial CURVE authentication but at that time
server/ROUTER application was crashing with an assertion.

I am happy to do any more debugging.

Thanks in advance for any help/pointers.
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*Tomas Krajca *
Software architect
m.  02 6162 0277
e.   to...@repositpower.com
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