iirc: the way the PING/PONG works- if nodes don’t see traffic from each-other 
in 5s (?) they send an EVASIVE up the stack and send a PING/PONG. so if you’re 
nodes are NOT “chatty” you may see lots of these if you don’t adjust the timers.

you may want to fiddle with the TIMEOUTs.


an ex in python:


as far as EXITs, i forget off hand but i don’t think they are required(?) may 
have to double check the protocol. i *think* LEAVE is required for when you 
LEAVE a group, but EXIT may be something different.

are you doing this using one of the bindings? or C itself?

> On Aug 23, 2017, at 7:53 AM, brunobodin . <brunobo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently integrating zyre in my system, and I would like to be able to 
> equally use udp and gossip discovery.
> I noticed that when I start two nodes using gossip discovery, I soon see 
> evasive events, which do not occur when using UPD : is this "work as 
> designed" ? It looks strange to me to have different behaviour....
> More annoying : when using the gossip discovery, when a node stops, the EXIT 
> event is not received  by the other one ?
> Thanks for you help


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