Hi Luca,

the reason for me to use multi-part messages is, that I have the content of a 
message already in memory, but not in one continues memory sequence. So if I 
want to achieve zero-copy, I need to compose the message from several memory 
locations, that should not be copied.

When I understand you right, I just need to send several messages (one for each 
memory location)?

I think, that this would break my attempt to use Cap'n Proto (de)serialization. 
At least it could be tricky to recompose the Cap'n Proto message on the 
receiving side.

My current workflow contained the following step:

1. Compose the Cap'n Proto message by let the message pointing to the different 
parts / memory locations.

2. Send the different parts of the Cap'n Proto message as multi-part message 
via ZMQ + UDP + Multicast.

3. Receive the Multi-Part message and reconstruct a Cap'n Proto message from it.

Instead step 3. now would need to receive several messages (incl. handling 
missing messages) in order to recreate the Cap'n Proto message.

My think that zero-copy isn't worth the hassle, in that case. So instead I tend 
to copy everything into one continuous memory sequence and send it as one 
message, which would just mean that I can compose the Cap'n Proto message 
without taking care of zero-copy.

Any thoughts?


Distributed Systems Research Group
Stephan Opfer  T. +49 561 804-6280  F. +49 561 804-6277
Univ. Kassel,  FB 16,  Wilhelmshöher Allee 73,  D-34121 Kassel
WWW: http://www.uni-kassel.de/go/vs_stephan-opfer/
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