those of you that have messed with travis and the zmq build infra-

i seem to be hitting the wall in testing udp-beacon stuff (zyre + curve) with 
the valgrind test. the default tests pass- but as soon as you load up the 
valgrind vm it comes to a screeching halt.

i finally threw an `ifconfig` into the to figure out why i can send 
beacons, but they’re never recv’d (again, this all works on the default build 
via travis, locally, etc). and it appears that the valgrind build (which really 
is just adding sudo? maybe some more docker bits?) sets the eth0 broadcast to instead of

has anyone else run into this with their travis+(c)zmq adventures? i need to do 
some more digging, but in the correct build there’s no docker adapter, but in 
the valgrind build there is-

based on the hostname strings, it almost looks like i’m either in a docker 
instance where i can do broadcasts (non-sudo) and when i’m using sudo- i’m 
outside the instance where broadcast is more locked down(?)

obvs i need to dig more into travis doc, curious if anyone has run into this- 
and if not, posting for posterity.

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