On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 09:16 +0000, Chris Catherall wrote:
> Hi
> We are building an application which delivers currency exchange rates
> to
> customers over the web.
> The exchange rates come from an existing .net WCF Duplex service. And
> the
> rates are streamed for a period of 60 seconds over a tcp connection.
> i.e.
> constantly changing data (one or two updates per second), not a
> single
> request/response.
> Also, different pricing is applied depending on who the customer is,
> so it
> is not a single source of data. It is different for each customer.
> And so a
> new instance of the data stream is created for each incoming request.
> We are building a new API which would sit in front of the existing
> service (and behind the website backend) and we are considering using
> Zero
> mq to distribute the rates.
> So it is server-to-server comms. (**Not** the browser to server part)
> I am trying to identify if I should use a stream socket
> http://hintjens.com/blog:42

ZMQ_STREAM sockets are there to talk with plain TCP sockets, so it
doesn't look like it's what you need.

> Or if a simple  REQ/REP pair would be fine. Or if there is some other
> pattern that is more appropriate.
> Some things I'm struggling with:
> Given the data is different for each request I presume I cant have a
> single
> RES server. I'd need to new one up for each incoming request? How
> would
> that work?
> Also, how would you then co-ordinate the correct data is returned to
> the
> correct client?
> Could the zeroMQ part be hosted inside an existing .net Web.api ?
> thanks for any advice

If you have one-to-one communications perhaps then PUSH-PULL is what
you want. If it's one-to-many, with every receiver needing every
message, then look at PUB-SUB.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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