
Pawel Kurdybacha (kurdybacha) and me (sigiesec) have recently started to 
"revive" cppzmq (https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq), the light-weight C++ 
wrapper around libzmq. We added CI for Windows/MSVC, Linux and MacOS, 
implemented tests, cleaned up the CMake infrastructure, formatted the source 
code consistently and added some overview documentation.

If you are using cppzmq or are interested in using it, we encourage you to have 
a look at the recent changes.

One particular point we would like to seek feedback on are the design goals, 
which have recently been documented for the first time. I tried to extrapolate 
them from the actual design, and from the reasons we chose to use cppzmq in 
comparison to other alternatives. These are part of the 
https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq/blob/master/README.md file:

* cppzmq maps the libzmq C API to C++ concepts. In particular:
   * it is type-safe (the libzmq C API exposes various class-like concepts as 
   * it provides exception-based error handling (the libzmq C API provides 
errno-based error handling)
   * it provides RAII-style classes that automate resource management (the 
libzmq C API requires the user to take care to free resources explicitly)
* cppzmq is a light-weight, header-only binding. You only need to include the 
header file zmq.hpp (and maybe zmq_addon.hpp) to use it.
* zmq.hpp is meant to contain direct mappings of the abstractions provided by 
the libzmq C API, while zmq_addon.hpp provides additional higher-level 

We would like to here from you if you agree with these design goals. If you 
have any opposing views, proposals for improvement or extension of the design 
goals, please share them on the mailing list or by sending a PR.

Another part of the README is a section on the supported platforms. Please 
review this section, in particular if you do not use MacOS, Linux or 
Windows/MSVC with a recent compiler. If you successfully use a different 
platform, please send a PR to include this in the list of "Additional platforms 
that are known to work". Support for non-C++11 compilers is already partial 
only, and might be removed completely, unless there are users that still 
require such support.

Of course, you are also invited to contribute extensions, new features, 
cleanup, further tests, etc. to cppzmq.

Best regards

i.A. Simon Giesecke
BTC Business Technology Consulting AG
Kurfürstendamm 33
10719 Berlin
E-Mail: simon.giese...@btc-ag.com

Rechtliche Hinweise: 
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Oldenburg HRB 4717
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Heidkamp
Vorstand: Dr. Jörg Ritter, Dirk Thole

zeromq-dev mailing list

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