
are these documents recent? I am currently using ZMQ_PAIR sockets and they
do reconnect quite well.

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 1:05 PM Esa HekmatiZadeh <esa.hek...@gmail.com>

> Hi James
> According to zguide:
>> When you want to coordinate a set of nodes on a network, PAIR sockets
>> won't work well any more. This is one of the few areas where the strategies
>> for threads and nodes are different. Principally, nodes come and go whereas
>> threads are usually static. PAIR sockets do not automatically reconnect if
>> the remote node goes away and comes back.
> As I understand from the above quote; Thanks to these characteristics PAIR
> socket is more suitable for inproc environment where threads are statics
> however you can use PAIR sockets over TCP as long as you aware and accept
> the behavior of PAIR which does not reconnect.
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Attila Magyari <att...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As I understood, the documents are outdated, and ZMQ_PAIR is supposed to
>> work not only for inproc protocols. I am definitely not sure about this,
>> and I as well use it for TCP, so would be interested in the answers.
>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 12:40 PM James Harvey <jhar...@factset.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been using ZMQ_PAIR recently for a one to one data feed over
>>> TCP.  I know the documentation doesn’t explicitly say this should work
>>> (over TCP) but for the most part it does. Last week I came across a
>>> situation where the bind end of the connection had reconnection issues if
>>> no data is flowing during the bounce of the TCP connection.
>>> Before I go to the trouble of recreating/documenting the behavior (I
>>> won’t call it a bug at this point) I want to know if there is support in
>>> the zeromq community for ZMQ_PAIR to be supported over TCP? As far as I can
>>> tell the documentation doesn’t explicitly say either way.
>>> I know there are other patterns (PUB/SUB, PUSH/PULL) that support TCP
>>> but they are not as simple as the ZMQ_PAIR where you want a strict bi
>>> directional one to one relationship.
>>> If it’s the case that ZMQ_PAIR is only to be used over inproc then maybe
>>> the connect/bind should fail for anything other than inproc so people don’t
>>> make mistakes and assume it’s going to work.
>>> Thanks
>>> James
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