​I'm designing a multi-node pub-sub pattern (each node is a separate computer 
running Debian Linux). The number of nodes is configurable and can change over 
time (i.e. through configuration I can add or remove nodes). I want to use 
XPUB-XSUB proxies on each node as depicted below. The following link is for a 
picture showing the whole topology: 

I wasn't sure if this mailing list allows adding links to external pictures so 
here's an attempt at a drawing in plain text (hopefully it doesn't get all 
messed up).
                       From Proxy 1
 From local PUBs      on remote nodes
        |                 |      |                
     bind()         connect() connect()      
     ipc://            tcp://  tcp://         
        |                 |      |                
  +-----+------+       +--+------+--+
  |    XSUB    |       |    XSUB    |
  +------------+       +------------+
  |  Proxy 1   |       |  Proxy 2   |
  +------------+       +------------+
  |    XPUB    |       |    XPUB    |
  +-----+------+       +-----+------+
        |                    |
      bind()               bind()
      tcp://               ipc://​
        |                    |
  To Local SUBs        To Local SUBs
 and Proxy 2 on    
  remote nodes ​
The proxies use zmq_proxy_steerable(). ​I've already tested this and it works. 
My question is regarding the XSUB socket on "Proxy 2". That's the socket that 
connects to all the remote nodes. And since I want to be able to add or remove 
nodes, how can I dynamically change the connections on that socket? I thought 
of 3 ways I could potentially do this.
Run zmq_proxy_steerable() in one thread (Thread1) and run a second thread 
(Thread2) where I could invoke zmq_connect/disconnect to change the 
connections. I suspect that it is probably not safe for Thread2 to modify the 
connections while zmq_proxy_steerable() is running in Thread1. 
Thread2 could send a "PAUSE" to Thread1 to make it temporarily stop processing 
messages. Then Thread2 invokes zmq_connect/disconnect to change the 
connections. Finally, Thread2 sends "RESUME" to Thread1. Again, not sure this 
is safe. Can the connections on a socket be changed while zmq_proxy_steerable() 
Thread2 could write the list of nodes (IP addresses) to a data struct shared 
with Thread1. Then Thread2 sends a TERMINATE to Thread1. Thread1 terminates 
gracefully, reads the new list of nodes, changes the connections on the socket 
accordingly, then goes back to running zmq_proxy_steerable(). With this I'm not 
sure what would happen to in-flight messages. That is, when TERMINATE is 
received by Thread1, does it drop any of the messages it's currently processing?
What's the best approach? Is there another (safer) way to do this?

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