What you're describing should be perfectly possible. Perhaps check your network setup first. You could just test with netcat whether you're network setup is correct.



On 20-04-2020 17:10, Matteo wrote:
Hi Kevin, I opened port forwarding on my router and still the node cannot bind to my server ip address:port. I tried having my node inside my DMZ and still nothing. I am starting to wonder if the cloud provider (where my server resides) blocks some ports or if there is a config I need to work on, on the server side. I opened that port on my ubuntu server via iptables, but maybe I need to use ufw?
I'll dig more.

Is it confirmed that Zyre can connect to a remote tcp address right? I mean an address that is outside of the node LAN

Thank you

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 2:20 AM Kevin Sapper <kevinsappe...@gmail.com <mailto:kevinsappe...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Matteo,
    maybe you need Port forwarding from your router to the peer?

    Matteo <matteo.brich...@gmail.com
    <mailto:matteo.brich...@gmail.com>> schrieb am Mo., 20. Apr. 2020,

        Hi all, I am using Zyre and I am trying to bind to a server
        (that I have control over), server has a public address and I
        tried binding to a "9999" port that where I accept all incoming
        tcp connections (as a test) but so far I had no luck. The node
        cannot bind to it.

        I know I am probably missing something silly.

        Any input?

-- Matteo
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