Impact of Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation Work in India
Albert P'Rayan
Chennai, India , July 15, 2005
Indian women taking part in a recent campaign for equity and equality in 
tsunami rehabilitation. Photo courtesy of Albert P'Rayan.
The Asian tsunami that struck India and a few other countries caused 
unprecedented devastation in the coastal districts of the state of Tamil Nadu 
in India and touched the hearts of many world leaders, celebrities and ordinary 
people who responded to the calamity in an extraordinary manner. Former 
president Bill Clinton, the United Nations’ Special Envoy for Tsunami 
Reconstruction, recently visited Nagapattinam, the worst hit district in the 
state, and applauded the government and various N.G.O.s for the good work they 
have been doing in reconstructing the lives of those affected by the tsunami. 
Was Clinton good at assessing the situation? And was he right in praising the 
Indian authorities responsible for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction 
work? Many human rights activists have expressed concern regarding the 
reconstruction effort in India. Tsunami survivors at Nagapattinam and other 
places in Tamil Nadu are grateful to the government but are not quite happy 
with what the
 government or humanitarian organizations are doing to rebuild.
While interacting with fisherfolk in some coastal villages in the districts of 
Tuticorin and Tirunelveli, and Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, I could see 
and hear their woes and aspirations. According to them, the government’s 
response to the disaster is not praiseworthy because a real “needs analysis” 
has not been done in any of the villages hit by the tsunami. “Relief and 
reconstruction efforts taken by the government and non-government organizations 
will be successful only if the affected community is allowed to participate in 
discussions and decision-making process,” says a leader of a fishermen 
community at Koothenguly, Tirunelveli district, “but unfortunately that is not 
done. Bureaucrats such as district collectors and politicians think they are 
experts in disaster management and continue to do what they think is correct.” 
Intellectuals opine that the government has not taken into account the needs of 
vulnerable sections of the affected community: women and children.
William Santhanam heads the Tsunami Rehabilitation Office of the Tuticorin 
catholic diocese, a post he has resigned three times because he does not want 
to “act against his conscience.” He says that rehabilitation programs are only 
an eyewash. According to Santhanam, there is no reliable statistics on how much 
damage the tsunami caused, how many people were killed and how many were 
actually affected by the killer waves, etc. “The government is doing it only to 
woo voters as the Tamil Nadu state is going to polls next year and N.G.O.s are 
involved in the reconstruction effort because they have to run their business 
smoothly,” says Santhanam. “There is no commitment among most of those who are 
involved in tsunami relief work.”
According to researchers, the statistics provided by the government of Tamil 
Nadu and various N.G.O.s is not correct. The damage has been exaggerated in 
some districts and understated in others. As a result, those who are most 
affected and in need of relief packages haven’t got what they deserve and those 
who are not at all affected have enjoyed relief benefits. The manipulation of 
statistics is quite common among governmental organizations in India but what 
is surprising and shocking is the distortion of statistics by a few so-called 
volunteer organizations that receive money from funding agencies. “It is very 
difficult to find really committed people among those who are involved in the 
tsunami relief and rehabilitation work. More than tsunami survivors and 
affected people, those who work for the welfare of the victims benefit,” says 
John Rayan of the Centre for Human Empowerment through Education Related 
The generosity of the people was as unprecedented as the massiveness of the 
tsunami. Raj Kumar, an auto driver in Chennai, earns 80 to 100 Indian rupees a 
day ($2). He and his fellow auto drivers contributed 45,000 Indian rupees 
(about $1,000) to the Tsunami victims. “When I heard about the tsunami attack 
in our neighboring towns and the subsequent tragic loss of lives and damages to 
property, I was really moved and decided to sacrifice certain luxuries of 
taking non-vegetarian meals in restaurants and contributed some amount to the 
victims,” says Kumar. “My fellow auto drivers also did the same. We collected 
some money and sent it to an organization so that the money could be utilized 
properly. Then we took delight in what we did as it was a kind gesture on our 
part, but now we regret having made such a sacrifice.” Why? “The benefits are 
enjoyed by those who were not at all affected by the tsunami and there is no 
proper distribution of the relief packages. My family is poorer than
 those who get those benefits.”
There is a massive influx of aid but it gives little relief to the affected 
community in India because of corruption. The government lacks transparency. 
There is no correct official report detailing how much money has been received 
by the government or how much has been spent on tsunami reconstruction 
projects. The fact that India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world 
makes wise people ask whether it is right on their part to expect wonders to 
happen in the government’s reconstruction efforts.
The government has issued orders about tsunami relief and rehabilitation and 
the question is whether promises will be kept and sustainable development 
achieved. The relief measures include the construction of permanent houses for 
homeless families in tsunami-affected villages; the construction of schools, 
hospitals, child welfare centers, primary health centers, etc.; grants of 
relief to families of the deceased; the distribution of essential commodities 
such as rice, grocery items, kerosene, etc.; relief packages to affected 
farmers (damages to crops) and fisherfolk (damages to fishing implements such 
as boats, engines and nets); relief assistance to affected women.         
The distribution of relief packages is not being carried out properly because 
of bureaucratic hurdles and the corruption and clash among political parties. 
The Campaign for Equity and Equality in Tsunami Rehabilitation recently held 
demonstrations protesting the government’s callous attitude toward the tsunami 
affected people in the state of Tamil Nadu. Some of their demands: Put an end 
to discriminatory aid distribution; distribute relief packages in a just manner 
irrespective of the castes of affected people; stop discrimination against 
fisherwomen; protect the rights of women and children; spend the funds allotted 
for tsunami relief and rehabilitation only for that purpose, which includes 
constructing permanent houses for the homeless, creating alternative jobs for 
fisherfolk who fear going to sea, opening more schools to improve the 
student-teacher ratio, empowering women, etc.; say “no” to the Sethusamuthram 
ship canal project because it is a great threat to the livelihood of
 fisherfolk and coastal economy; don’t force the fisherfolk to leave the 
coastal area in the name of shifting them to a “safer” place; avoid unnecessary 
delays in distributing relief packages.
Vijaya was in class 10 last year when the tsunami hit Chennai. Although she is 
a highly motivated person, there were moments when situations forced her to 
discontinue her studies. The environment in which she was living was not 
conducive to studying. Her parents are illiterate and her three siblings (two 
elder brothers and one elder sister) have dropped out of school. Most of the 
girls her age in Thideer Nagar, a slum near Marina Beach in Chennai, have 
studied only up to class five. Most of the residents are coolies and domestic 
servants. After the tsunami, the government forced the community, more than 
1,300 families, to move to a “safer” place called Thuraipakkam, about 25 
kilometers away. The tsunami was a blessing in disguise for the corporation of 
Chennai [city administrators] because it was looking for an opportunity to 
shift the community to a different place in order to clear the slum and 
beautify the city. The new dwelling place lacks basic facilities such as 
electricity and
 water. The government didn’t take into account the displaced people’s 
livelihood or the children’s education. Many families lost their livelihood and 
students like Vijaya found it very difficult to commute more than 25 kilometers 
to their schools. The state government takes pride in having provided shelter 
to the 1,300 families but the families themselves think that they have been 
pushed out of “paradise” for they now have no regular jobs and are unsure about 
how they are going to survive.
Vijaya and many other girl students were helped by the authorities of catholic 
schools run by the Madras-Mylapore archdiocese. Now, thanks to the initiative 
taken by Packia Mary — a volunteer who used to visit Thideer Nagar and do 
social work until it was shifted to Thuraipakkam — a hostel for girl students 
has been started in the locality. It accommodates 25 girl students and gives 
them free board and lodging. Besides that, some volunteers tutor the students 
in English, math and science. But for the hostel accommodation, many girl 
students would have dropped out of school. “Education of girls is the key to 
social development. Unless we educate girls, the most vulnerable group, we 
cannot bring about reformation,” says Packia Mary.
Some volunteer organizations help only dalits (low-caste people). A local 
organization in Tuticorin that receives aid from ActionAid is determined to 
help only dalits even though there are other less advantaged people who have 
been more affected than the dalit community. Mariappan, a fisherman, lost his 
finger while trying to recover his net during the tsunami. Doctors have advised 
him not to go to the sea until he has fully recovered. He belongs to the 
Valayar caste group, which is not considered a dalit community. People of his 
community are economically worse off than most scheduled caste (dalit) 
communities. “We are completely neglected because we are considered higher than 
s.c. community people though we are economically more backward than dalits,” 
says Mukkamma, a fisherwoman of Muthirayar Nagar in Tuticorin. “There is not a 
single N.G.O. to help us when there are many volunteer organizations to help 
s.c. communities.”
ActionAid has distributed a few boats to some fishermen but the boats cannot be 
used for fishing because they have not been designed properly. “These boats are 
meant to please the donors than to help the poor beneficiaries,” says John 
Rayan. The fishermen of Muthirayar Nagar make low-cost boats using waste 
thermocol [a packing product]. Each boat costs only about $25. A fisherman says 
that his low-cost thermocol boat is much better than the expensive boat donated 
by ActionAid.
There was a move to shift families from Muthirayar Nagar to a far away place. 
People refused to go. “What about our livelihood,” asks Mukkamma. “Even the 
collector’s office is on the coast. The sea is our property and our livelihood. 
We can’t be forced to go from here as the sea is our source of income.”
Some local volunteer organizations are doing excellent work in the 
tsunami-affected area. Representatives from the Centre for Human Empowerment 
and Education Related Services visit fishermen hamlets and motivate them to 
send their children to schools because the school dropout rate is extremely 
high in their communities. They also raise their voice against boat owners who 
employ child laborers. “Tsunami rehabilitation work among fishermen will be 
successful only if the government takes serious steps to put an end to child 
labor and punish those who employ children below 18 years of age,” says Rayan.
The Rural Uplift Centre in the district of Kanyakumari has brought out a 
booklet compiling government orders related to tsunami relief work. The 
documents in English have been translated into Tamil and the purpose of 
bringing out the booklet is to create awareness among affected people so that 
they know their rights and get the benefits to which they are entitled. C. M. 
Gerald, a legal advisor for the center, says that most people are not aware of 
government orders on tsunami relief and rehabilitation programs.
Tsunami survivors face not only economic problems but also psychological, 
social and many other problems. Although the government’s response to their 
problems is not to be appreciated, some non-governmental organizations have 
been doing things in a professional way. Oxfam Community Aid Abroad, Project 
Concern International and the NGO Coordination and Resource Centre have shown a 
commitment to supporting development initiatives and restoring the lives of the 
tsunami-affected community of Nagapattinam. These organizations have employed 
personnel in Nagapattinam and other coastal villages worst hit by the tsunami 
for various programs: women’s rights and gender justice, child rights and 
protection, designing livelihood security interventions and other livelihood 
functions, psychological activities such as counseling, etc.
Tamil Nadu Government Order Ms No. 172 states: “The Tsunami Housing 
Reconstruction of about 130,000 concrete houses at an approximate cost of 
150,000 Indian rupees each (about $3500). Each house will have 300-325 sq. ft. 
of built-up space. The house will be having all disaster-resistant features. 
The layout will have adequate infrastructure facilities like water supply, 
streetlights, roads, rainwater harvesting structures, drains, community center, 
noon-meal center (free noon meal for children), etc. … The entire program is 
likely to cost 1950 crores (Indian rupees given in crores — about $450 
million). It is expected that Government of India and the World Bank will 
provide substantial assistance for this program.”
Social activists have their own doubts because the government officials are 
known for their corrupt practices. John P’Rayan says that these are empty 
promises by the government and he fears whether the allotted money for the 
project will be spent on it or part of the amount will go into the pockets of 
the politicians and bureaucrats. William Santhanam says that the Tuticorin 
Tsunami Rehabilitation Office, with aid from Caritas (Rome), is going to 
construct 967 houses in the districts of Tirunelveli and Tuticorin on land 
provided by the government of Tamil Nadu. But the hurdle he faces is that the 
government is not ready to give ownership to those who are going to occupy the 
houses. The state government wants to show that it is doing all the work and 
win the voters’ support in the upcoming legislative assembly election. 
Santhanam signed the memorandum of understanding with the collector after 
waiting for many days because he is being pressured by the donor agency 
(Caritas) to realize
 the project. He feels that it is very difficult to work with bureaucrats 
because they are not going to stick to their promises.
The fisherfolk of the southern districts of Tamil Nadu have not yet recovered 
from the shock of the tsunami disaster. Now there is another threat to their 
livelihood in the form of the Sethusamuthram ship channel project, a plan to 
connect the Gulf of Mannar and the Bay of Bengal through the Palk Strait so 
that ships moving between the east and west coasts will have a straight passage 
within India’s territorial waters instead of having to go around Sri Lanka. 
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation for the ship canal project 
July 2 amid protest from the fishermen community. The inauguration was held in 
Madurai, far away from the sea, rather than Tuticorin, a port city, because the 
authorities feared local protests. The National Union of Fishermen organized 
protests in different parts of Tamil Nadu because the project is considered a 
threat to the livelihood of fishermen in the Gulf of Mannar. The protestors 
believe that most of the southern districts of Tamil Nadu were
 spared the fury of the tsunami because of the presence of the 23 islands that 
will be destroyed to create the canal. The chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Selvi 
Jayalalitha, blamed the central government for rushing the project despite 
serious environmental concerns and a threat to the livelihood of fishermen in 
the region, and did not attend the inauguration of the project. While the 
government describes the project as “technologically challenging and 
economically vital,” environmentalists and human rights activists describe it 
as a disastrous project.
The impact of the tsunami in Tamil Nadu has been a heavy loss of lives 
extensive property damage, and the loss of a livelihood for fisherfolk. It is 
not easy for the affected people to come out of their traumatic experience. It 
will take years. What is the impact of tsunami relief and rehabilitation 
program? “Many welfare schemes proposed by the government and N.G.O.s are aimed 
at giving only a temporary relief to the helpless people,” warns Santhanam. 
“Such relief measures make the people dependent on donors and make them 
beggarly.” If the government and N.G.O.s are really interested in the welfare 
of the people then they should focus their activities on sustainable 

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