'The problem is that we are born with the Dalit tag'

October 30, 2007

Interviews: Archana Masih
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences rejected the Thorat
Committee report alleging caste discrimination against scheduled
castes and schedule tribes students on its campus.

Part I: 'See the magnitude of callousness in Indian society'

The Committee, constituted by the Union health ministry, felt the
anti-reservation agitation at AIIMS was supported by the Institute's
administration and reserved category students faced discrimination at
India's top medical institution.

The AIIMS authorities termed the report as 'biased' and based on the
feedback of a select group of students.

Dr R K Prasad and Dr Kapil Yadav, who belong to the Progressive
Medicos and Scientists Forum, insist discrimination exists at AIIMS
and reveal how the anti-reservation stir widened the divide between
upper caste and reserved category students. While Dr Rajesh Paswan, a
lecturer, speaks about the discrimination he faced in his quest for a
government job.

Merit suffers due to quotas and opportunities for the general category
will shrink further.

Dr R K Prasad: This perception has been floated into the media that
they are losing jobs because of reservation. Out of 100 seats, if you
give reservation honestly -- 22 seats will go (to the reserved quota),
and you will get 78 seats. Only 20 per cent (seats are) going to the
poorer section of your society that has been deprived of its rightful
place for 5,000 years.

Dr Rajesh Paswan: There are many students deprived of quality
education though they have a desire for good education. Good education
can only lead them to better jobs which in turn will impact several
generations of Dalits.

Dr Kapil Yadav: Someone said reservation will compromise merit but
this is a cost society will have to bear for what it has done for
5,000 years. You are fooling yourself when you say merit is not
compromised. Merit is not your ability per se, merit is opportunity
plus ability. It is not simply that you are so brilliant. It is not an
all or none phenomena.

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