Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Lets make Ambedkar's vission a grand success

Youth For equality is fighting against the cased based discrimination
in society which is a threat to national integrity. Our honorable
representatives in the parliament have left no stone unturned to
implement the 27% reservation in higher educational institutions.But
we a group of well meaning youths of this nation are fighting against
this in Supreme Court and the hearing is still going on. We hope the
justice will prevail in this land.

We appeal all the students of Jawahar lal Nehru University to exercise
their democratic right to choose their representatives for JNUSU on
2nd November. Being a student of University like JNU which is
considered to be the most sensitive about the socio economic issues of
the nation, they should understand how hazardous this reservation
policy to the society now and this policy is not going to benefit any
common man of this society, instead it is acting in retrogressive
manner. The poor is becoming poor and rich is becoming reacher. The
students must understand the basic philosophy of reservation has been
diluted to an infinite extent. The phenomenon of reservation was
designed to uplift the underprivileged section of society by honorable
Dr B.R. Ambedkar but now our divisive politicians are using it as a
tool to gain their vote bank.

So we should respect our hero Dr Ambedkar's view and make his vision a
grand success and discourage these divisive forces to bring true
equality into society.

YFE hereby reassures you, that we are committed to social justice and
we very much support the phenomenon of reservation but we strongly
oppose the way of its implementation for vote bank politics.

If Youth For Equality wins the election then a strong message will be
conveyed to the politicians about our displeasure on the policy and
this would definitely put a slap on the face of those who dared to
divide us on caste line.

So friends come forward and support the candidates of youth for
equality for JNUSU election:

Babita Sharma for president
Sujeet Kumar for Vice president
Swasti Rao for Gen-Secretary
Kumar Avijit for Joint Secretary

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