What conspiracies are you hatching silently inside that big, horned head of yours?
I can see you have been contemplating on some serious issue for quite sometime.
Is it the scarcity of fodder that has been bothering you or your master’s tyranny?
The having to feed on wall posters sometimes, eating out of dust bins and getting whipped…
I can understand your problem dear but tell me is this any solution?
You lift your wiggly tail upwards just when I’m about to cross you by
And splash hot, thick yellow urine right in the middle of the road;
Now what point is it that you are trying to get across, eh ? 
I want you to use a little bit of commonsense now. Is your mooing and dunging
And peeing in public gonna do you any good? You only end up messing the streets
Our Government lays after much deliberation. You may claim your liberty to raise
Your tail as a mark of protest for all the pains that you undergo in everyday life,
But I will not tolerate your non-sense darling, I can’t take your shit and crap!
Oh! How you remind me of these politicians who mess up civilian life for their own Cause…

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