On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 21:28 +0200, Derick Rethans wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
> > My preference is to change it. Its basically a complete rebrand and
> > when ZC offers some kind of helper script for users to at least
> > announce the files which use the wrong prefix, everything should be
> > pretty ok. I also think it's the last chance to do such a change. When
> > the next release is out people will claim about backwards
> > compatiblity.
> > 
> > OK would like to hear you opinions on the prefix change.
> I would like to change it too. We're Apache Zeta Components now. Besides 
> the rebrand, because this is a BC breaking change, we should also go 
> through the code and clean up the @apichange bits.

I still strongly oppose any BC breaks.

ezc is used a lot in different applications (I alone maintain 4 or 5) -
and it would be a hell lot of work to verify that those still work

BC is one of the key points for ezc / zeta - and breaking with this is
something I would really really dislike to see. A prefix does not mean
anything anyways, it is just a prefix…

Kind regards,

Kore Nordmann                                        (GPG 0xDDC70BBB)
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