Hi Tobias,

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Tobias Schlitt <tob...@schlitt.info> wrote:
> Hi,
> as already mentioned yesterday, the survey is now online. If you want to
> link it, please use
> http://bit.ly/phplibrelsur
> or link to my blog entry about it, which can be found at
> http://schlitt.info/opensource/blog/0738_php_library_release_survey.html

I added a blog entry here (mostly a copy and paste version of your post) :
- http://jrenard.info/blog/php-library-release-survey.html

Cheers :)

Jérôme Renard
http://39web.fr | http://jrenard.info | http://twitter.com/jeromerenard

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