Hi all,

I noticed a glitch in:
(search for "array(int" no quotes)

So i checked out:

And changed website/content/community/implementation.txt line 1483:
- Example of a hash array::
+  Example of a hash array::

Then i ran:

And it looks working:

As specified by readme.txt:
j...@liria /pd/home/jpic/src/zetac/website/website.svn $  make revert-empty
        echo "Scanning for files to revert …"; \
        for FILE in `svn st htdocs/ | grep '^M' | awk '{ print $2; }'`; \
        do \
        if [ "`svn diff --diff-cmd 'diff' -x -U0 $FILE | sed '1,4d' |
grep -v -f 'var/scripts/htdocs_ignore.grep'`" = "" ]; \
                then \
                        REVERT_FILES="$REVERT_FILES '$FILE'"; \
                fi; \
        done; \
        if [ "$REVERT_FILES" = "" ]; \
        then \
                echo "No files to be reverted."; \
        else \
                echo "Reverting files …"; \
                echo "$REVERT_FILES" | xargs svn revert; \
        fi; \

Scanning for files to revert …
No files to be reverted. [[ it did revert files the first time i ran it ]]

But it still shows loads of diffs:
j...@liria /pd/home/jpic/src/zetac/website/website.svn $  svn status
M       htdocs/news.rss
M       htdocs/community/implementation.txt
M       htdocs/community/implementation.html
M       htdocs/.rss
M       htdocs/spam.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/EventLog/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Archive.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/EventLog.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/AuthenticationDatabaseTiein.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/UserInput.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/EventLogDatabaseTiein/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Feed/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Url.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Feed.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Webdav/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/ConsoleTools/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Mail.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/ConsoleTools.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/PersistentObject/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/PersistentObject.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/UserInput/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Tree/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Url/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Tree.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Graph.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Search.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Webdav.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Authentication/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/GraphDatabaseTiein/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Archive/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Mail/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Authentication.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/GraphDatabaseTiein.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/ImageConversion/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Debug.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/AuthenticationDatabaseTiein/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Translation.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/EventLogDatabaseTiein.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Debug/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/ImageConversion.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Translation/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Graph/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/documentation/trunk/Search/tutorial.html
M       htdocs/news/releases/0.rss
M       htdocs/news/general.rss
M       htdocs/news/0.rss
M       htdocs/news/001_welcome_to_apache_zeta_components.html
M       htdocs/news/002_status_update.html
M       htdocs/news/releases.rss
M       htdocs/news/001_welcome_to_apache_zeta_components.rss
M       htdocs/news/002_status_update.rss
M       htdocs/news/general/0.rss
M       config/site.ini
M       config/binaries.ini
M       content/community/implementation.txt

Obviously, i'm responsible for the 3 last ones, which brings question
0: what about the other diffs ? is it normal ?

So i'm trying to commit the typo fix:
j...@liria /pd/home/jpic/src/zetac/website/website.svn $  svn commit
-m "- Fixed a syntax error which caused a rendering glitch."
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response
to MKACTIVITY request for

I reset ~/.subversion, and ran svn update --username (which worked)
and other voodoo tricks proposed by google results ... But the commit
fails the same way. Which brings question1: why isn't it working and
how to fix it ?

Note that i've intentionality left as much details as possible, in
case it helps other contributors to use (troubleshoot?) the new setup

Cheers from Spain


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