Hi all,

so, now that we have a release process in place, PEAR channel setup
triggered again and already some contribution approaches, we should
think some more about a first official release of Zeta. Still, there are
some things to be discussed beforehand.

Since we don't have that many new features / components, yet, I would be
in favor of doing a bug fix release as the first step. This allows us to
give new features / components more time until the summer release, but
still provide value to our users. What do you think?

If we go for a bug fix release rather soonish, we need to come up with a
release number. The last eZ Components release was 2009.2.1. A feature
release right now would be called 2010.2 (second scheduled release in
2010). Although we do not release new features, that sounds like the
release number to go. What do you think?

If we go for a release rather soonish, I would appreciate if some more
open bugs could be fixed until then, so we should have a small
development phase beforehand. To make that clear: If we really want to
go the way for a release, I would expect all people on the list to join
forces in respect to:

- Running tests
- Investigating issues
- Checking docs
- Providing patches
- Incorporating patches (for those with commit access)

Maybe we should announce something like a bug-hunt week (or 2), to
motivate people?

So, what do you all think about this direction?


Tobias Schlitt        http://schlitt.info        GPG Key: 0xC462BC14
Want to hire me? Need quality assurance?            http://qafoo.com
eZ Components are Zeta Components now!          http://bit.ly/9S7zbn

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