On 09/26/2011 11:31 AM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
For as long as I have been involved in this project I have been saying
Today I started to work on this. Already I am able to run the Workflow*
test suites with the out-of-the-box test runner of PHPUnit 3.6. The
configuration of the database connection is handled via the phpunit.xml
configuration file.

 This is what the output looks like:

   ➜  trunk  /usr/local/php-5.3/bin/php /usr/local/src/phpunit/phpunit.php
   PHPUnit @package_version@ by Sebastian Bergmann.

   Configuration read from /usr/local/src/zeta/trunk/phpunit.xml.dist

   .....................................................  63 / 392 ( 16%)
   ..................................................... 126 / 392 ( 32%)
   ..................................................... 189 / 392 ( 48%)
   ..................................................... 252 / 392 ( 64%)
   ..................................................... 315 / 392 ( 80%)
   ..................................................... 378 / 392 ( 96%)

   Time: 11 seconds, Memory: 44.25Mb

   OK (392 tests, 1263 assertions)

Sebastian Bergmann                    Co-Founder and Principal Consultant
http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                           http://thePHP.cc/

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