On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 12:34:45PM +0100, Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Where does the 12.5% compression rule in zio_compress_data() come from ?
> Given that this is in the generic function for all compression 
> algorithms rather than in the implementation of lzjb I wonder where the 
> number comes from ?

Where all hard-coded numbers come from: our ass.   Seriously, though,
the idea was that you don't want to waste time with decompression if you
didn't get anything out of compression.  And if I remember right, the
compression aborts if it finds itself taking up more than 87.5%.  But,
you're right - this should be, at the very least, a tunable.
Preferably, a per-compression algorithm tunable.  Would you mind filing
an RFE/bug as you see fit?

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