On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 12:07:47PM +0200, Roch wrote:

>  > > for small file workloads, setting recordsize to a value lower than the
>  > > default (128k) may prove useful.
>  > 
>  > When changing things like recordsize, can i do it on the fly on a
>  > volume ? ( and then if i can what happens to the data already on the
>  > volume ? )
> You do it On the  fly for a given FS  (recordsize it's not a
> property of ZVOL). Files that were largers than the previous
> recordsize will not change.  Files that we smaller and  thus
> were stored as a single  record, will continue to be  stored
> as  single record until a  write makes  the file bigger than
> the current  value of  recordsize. At  which point  they are
> store as multiple records of the new recordsize. Performance
> wise I don't worry too much about these things.

ah, yes. the key here is "until a write makes the file bigger",
which would ~never happen given Maildir format mail as the files
are not modified after they are written.

they may be unlinked, renamed, or rewritten with a new name - but not


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