Darren J Moffat wrote:
Jeff Victor wrote:


bash-3.00# zfs list
dns-pool               136K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool
dns-pool/zones          50K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool/zones
dns-pool/zones/dns1   24.5K  43.1G  24.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1

But if I want bigger hierarchy (for sure I will !) 'zfs list' becomes less readable:


I would like to customise column width to have nicer view of the hierarchy. Wouldn't be good to have some sort of configuration file in which I could set up the column
width ?

What about an environment variable so that non-root can also customise their view?

That's even better idea ! Or config file per user (~/.zfs*-something). 'zfs'
would read that file and format data before displaying them.

Perhaps this should be left entirely under user control using the method that "ps -o format" uses. Why reinvent the wheel?

$ zfs list -r -o used,referenced,available,name,mountpoint cube/builds

I must be missing something here because that command works just fine.
If you use -H as well there is always one tab between each column.

What is the actually problem here that the existing list -o doesn't
solve ?

My interpretation: more specific control of column widths and flexibility to place the name in the first column. Further, to many people, tabs are evil.

For example, instead of:

bash-3.00# zfs list
dns-pool               197K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool
dns-pool/zones         100K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool/zones
dns-pool/zones/dns1   74.5K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1
dns-pool/zones/dns1/local  24.5K  43.1G  24.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1/local
dns-pool/zones/dns1/root  24.5K  43.1G  24.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1/root

the desire is for:

bash-3.00# zfs list
NAME                       USED   AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
dns-pool                   197K   43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool
dns-pool/zones             100K   43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool/zones
dns-pool/zones/dns1        74.5K  43.1G  25.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1
dns-pool/zones/dns1/local  24.5K  43.1G  24.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1/local
dns-pool/zones/dns1/root   24.5K  43.1G  24.5K  /dns-pool/zones/dns1/root

I suggested a syntax similar to "ps -o <format>", viz:

zfs list -o \

Users would probably specify spaces instead of hyphens, but it is difficult to show that effectively in word-wrapped e-mail readers.

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @ sun.com
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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