> Today I attempted to upgrade to S10_U2 and migrate some mirrored UFS SVM
> partitions to ZFS.
> I used Live Upgrade to migrate from U1 to U2 and that went without a
> hitch on my SunBlade 2000. And the initial conversion of one side of the
> UFS mirrors to a ZFS pool and subsequent data migration went fine.
> However, when I attempted to attach the second side mirrors as a mirror
> of the ZFS pool, all hell broke loose.
> The system more or less became unresponsive after a few minutes. It
> appeared that ZFS had taken all available memory because I saw tons of
> errors on the console about failed memory allocations.
> Any thoughts/suggestions?
> The data I migrated consisted of about 80GB. Here's the general flow of
> what I did:
> 1. break the SVM mirrors
>    metadetach d5 d51
>    metadetach d6 d61
>    metadetach d7 d71
> 2. remove the SVM mirrors
>    metaclear d51
>    metaclear d61
>    metaclear d71
> 3. combine the partitions with format. They were contiguous
>    partitions on s4, s5 & s6 of the disk, I just made a single
>    partition on s4 and cleared s5 & s6.
> 4. create the pool
>    zpool create storage cXtXdXs4
> 5. create three filesystems
>    zfs create storage/app
>    zfs create storage/work
>    zfs create storage/extra
> 6. migrate the data
>    cd /app; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdmv /storage/app
>    cd /work; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdmv /storage/work
>    cd /extra; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdmv /storage/extra
> 7. remove the other SVM mirrors
>    umount /app; metaclear d5 d50
>    umount /work; metaclear d6 d60
>    umount /extra; metaclear d7 d70

before you went any further here did you issue a metastat command and also
did you have any metadb's on that other disk before you nuked those slices ?

just asking here

I am hoping that you did a metaclear d5 and then metaclear d50 in order to
clear out both the one sided mirror as well as its component.

I'm just fishing around here ..

> 8. combine the partitions with format. They were contiguous
>    partitions on s4, s5 & s6 of the disk, I just made a single
>    partition on s4 and cleared s5 & s6.

okay .. I hope that SVM was not looking for them.  I guess you would get a
nasty stack of errors in that case.

> 9. attach the partition to the pool as a mirror
>    zpool attach storage cXtXdXs4 cYtYdYs4

So you wanted a mirror ?

Like :

# zpool status
  pool: storage
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        storage       ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror      ONLINE       0     0     0
            c0t0d0s4  ONLINE       0     0     0
            c0t1d0s4  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

that sort of deal ?

Dennis Clarke

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