On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 07:58, David Abrahams wrote:
> It seems, on the face of it, as though a *single* sensible answer
> might be impossible.  But it also seems like it might be unnecessary.

I'm aware of at least one case where a customer wrote a "delete file at
head of queue; repeat until statvfs says there's enough free space" loop
-- essentially maintaining a FIFO archive of log files -- which was
severely confused by one version of logging UFS's deferred free
Deferred frees caused this loop to kill the entire archive instead of
just trimming it.  If anyone cares about additional details I can go dig
it up -- it was mentioned in a thread on comp.os.solaris a few years

In busy environments without quotas, the low order bits of a free space
count are going to be continuously in flux... but with quotas and
fine-grained filesystems, it's actually IMHO a bit more likely with ZFS
than with UFS that you could build something where only one process's
actions could affect the available space reported via statvfs() for a
given file system.

                                                - Bill

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