On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Eric Schrock wrote:

The original reasoning was that we didn't have enough time to validate
the behavior of the zone upgrade tools with ZFS as the root filesystem,
particularly as these tools (Ashanti, Zulu) are a moving target.

Upon closer inspection, we found that this scenario should work with
the current upgrade solution.  What will definitely not work is to
delegate a ZFS dataset to a local zone, and then place system software
(i.e. Solaris package contents) within such a filesystem.  This should work
if the mountpoint is  set to 'legacy', however.

Basically, rather than trying to explain the ins and out of the current
situation (which aren't entirely understood in the context of future
zones upgrade solutions), we opted to declare this as 'unsupported'.  In
reality, putting zone roots on ZFS datasets should be perfectly safe
(modulo the caveat above).  However, we reserve the right to break
upgrade in the face of such zones.

We are working on integrating ZFS more closely with the whole install
and live upgrade experience.  Part of this work will include making
zones upgrade behave well regardless of ZFS configuration.  The current
install/upgrade process has a long history of preconceived notions that
don't apply in the ZFS work (such as a 1-1 relationship between devices
and filesystems, /etc/vfstab, legacy mountpoints, etc), so this is no
small task.

Are there any known issues with patching zones that are installed on a ZFS file system? Does smpatch and company work ok with this configuration?

- Ryan
UNIX Administrator

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