Hi Eric,

this is a great proposal and I'm sure this is going to help administrators
a lot.

One small question below:

> Any property which contains a colon (':') is defined as a 'user
> property'.  The name can contain alphanumeric characters, plus the
> following special characters: ':', '-', '.', '_'.  User properties are
> always strings, and are always inherited.  No additional validation is
> done on the contents.  Properties are set and retrieved through the
> standard mechanisms: 'zfs set', 'zfs get', and 'zfs inherit'.

>       # zfs list -o name,local:department
>       test      12345
>       test/foo  12345
>       # zfs set local:department=67890 test/foo
>       # zfs inherit local:department test
>       # zfs get -s local -r all test 
>       NAME      PROPERTY          VALUE  SOURCE
>       test/foo  local:department  12345  local
>       # zfs list -o name,local:department
>       test      -
>       test/foo  12345

the example suggests that properties may be case-insensitive. Is that the case
(sorry for the pun)? If so, that should be noted in the user defined property
definition just for clarity.

Best regards,

Constantin Gonzalez                            Sun Microsystems GmbH, Germany
Platform Technology Group, Client Solutions                http://www.sun.de/
Tel.: +49 89/4 60 08-25 91                   http://blogs.sun.com/constantin/
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