On 12/09/2006, at 1:28 AM, Nicolas Williams wrote:
On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 06:39:28AM -0700, Bui Minh Truong wrote:
Does "ssh -v" tell you any more ?
I don't think problem is ZFS send/recv. I think it's take a lot of time to connect over SSH. I tried to access SSH by typing: ssh remote_machine. It also takes serveral seconds( one or a half second) to connect. Maybe because of Solaris SSH.
If you have 100files, it may take : 1000 x 0.5 = 500seconds

You're not doing making an SSH connection for every file though --
you're making an SSH connection for every snapshot.

Now, if you're taking snapshots every second, and each SSH connection
takes on the order of .5 seconds, then you might have a problem.

So that I gave up that solution. I wrote 2 pieces of perl script:
client and server. Their roles are similar to ssh and sshd, then I can
connect faster.

But is that secure?

Do you have any suggestions?


First, let's see if SSH connection establishment latency is a real

Second, you could adapt your Perl scripts to work over a persistent SSH
connection, e.g., by using SSH port forwarding:

% ssh -N -L 12345:localhost:56789 remote-host

Now you have a persistent SSH connection to remote-host that forwards
connections to localhost:12345 to port 56789 on remote-host.

So now you can use your Perl scripts more securely.

It would be *so* nice if we could get some of the OpenSSH behaviour in this area. Recent versions include the ability to open a persistent connection and then automatically re-use it for subsequent connections to the same host/user.

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