Anton B. Rang writes:
 > >> In our recent experience RAID-5 due to the 2 reads, a XOR calc and a
 > >> write op per write instruction is usually much slower than RAID-10
 > >> (two write ops). Any advice is  greatly appreciated.
 > > 
 > > RAIDZ and RAIDZ2 does not suffer from this malady (the RAID5 write hole).
 > 1. This isn't the "write hole".
 > 2. RAIDZ and RAIDZ2 suffer from read-modify-write overhead when
 > updating a file in writes of less than 128K, but not when writing a
 > new file or issuing large writes. 

I don't think this is stated correctly.

All   filesystems   will   incur  a   read-modify-write when
application is  updating  portion of a  block.  The read I/O
only   occurs if the block  is  not already in memory cache.
The write is potentially deferred and multiple block updates
may occur per write I/O. 

This is not RAIDZ specific.

ZFS stores files less than 128K (or less than the filesystem
recordsize)  as a single block.  Larger  files are stored as
multiple recordsize blocks. 

For RAID-Z a block spreads onto all devices of a group.


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