On 15/01/07, Rick McNeal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:34 AM, Dick Davies wrote:

> Hi, are there currently any plans to make an iSCSI target created by
> setting shareiscsi=on on a zvol
> bindable to a single interface (setting tpgt or acls)?

We're working on some more interface stuff for setting up various
properties like TPGT's and ACL for the ZVOLs which are shared through

Now that I've knocked off a couple of things that have been on my
plate I've got room to add some more. These definitely rank right up
towards the top.

Great news.

For the record, the reason I asked was we have an iscsi target host with
2 NICs and for some reason clients were attempting to connect to the targets
on  the private interface instead of the one they were doing discovery on
(which I thought was a bit odd).

I tried creating a TPGT with iscsitadm, which seemed to work:

vera ~ # iscsitadm list tpgt -v
   IP Address:

but adding a ZFS iscsi target into it gives me:

 vera ~ # iscsitadm modify target -p 1 tank/iscsi/second4gb
 iscsitadm: Error Can't call daemon

which is a pity (I'm assuming it can't find the targets to modify).
I've had to go back to just using iscsitadm due to time pressures, but
will be watching any progress closely.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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